TDP Boys Preferences

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This is gonna be a modern AU 'cause it's just easier that way.


He's not the biggest fan of Halloween but he's happy as long as you're happy. You guys would probably dress as two nerds/geeks. You two totally go trick or treating even tho your considered too old. But you use Ezrin as an excuse to go trick or treating. You two both hate scary movies so you don't watch them.Yet Soren, Claudia or Rayla always somehow manage to convince you to watch one every year and every year you two both end up cuddling the crap out of each other as you try not to think of what could be lurking in the shadows and...holy crap did that shadow just move?! You would turn on the light but it would just be his scarf or something. You would go to Soren's Halloween Party later on in the night and hang out, then after you would go home and trade Halloween candy, 'cause it just so happens Callum likes the candy you hate. And even if he doesn't Ezrin does so he could just give it to his brother. The next day you guys would probably sleep til' noon because of how wary you were of monsters that night. Ezrin would be the one to wake you because 'I just wanted to make sure you guys were alright, no one sleeps until noon, unless if they're dead.'

He gets spoopy as soon as it hits September first and he puts up the decorations super early. This dude will get the scariest decorations money can buy. He also likes doing a lot of Halloween pranks, so expect a lot of those coming around. And don't even think to bring him in the store with you, that is the worst idea.

"Soren?! What are you doing!?"
"Me and the skeletons must fight in the war against the fuckboys! Viva la revolucion!"
As costumes you would probably go as ninjas or something. Soren would have Claudia make real smokebombs and he'll practice a ton too. The pranks between Soren and Claudia are insane too, but by now you're used to it. And his Halloween Parties are pretty decked out too. He rents out a random barn in the woods and has a projector playing Halloween horror movies all night. It's fun but when all is said and done you end up getting scared and not sleeping. It's only when Soren realizes your scared he'll wrap his arms around you and reassure you that he could easily beat those horror guys and he'll tell you exactly how he could do it. Which is a big reassurance for you and you do end up falling asleep. Claudia is the one to most likely wake you guys up the next day by busting into your room with 'It's beginning to look like Christmas' song blasting on her speakers.


Runaan doesn't really see the point of Halloween and is confused by the word spoopy. 'I thought it's pronounced spooky' he's your 100% impulse control when you go to pick out your costumes and you want to buy those $399.99 halloween decorations. When you first mentioned the skeleton war against the fuckboys Runaan had to go to Rayla because he just didn't understand it. 'It's just a meme', 'Yeah but why?' Even though he isn't 100% sure on everything Halloween (especially the memes), he's still willing to hang out and make Halloween cookies or paper bats with you and help hand out candy to the trick or treaters. Though sometimes he doesn't know what the costumes are since there's such a wide variety.of costumes. The trick or treaters on your block come earlier than most neighborhoods. (Mostly 'cause they're all like five and their parents don't want them staying up past six, six:thirty) so usually after you would go to the halloween party Soren is hosting. Then when the both of you are tired af you go home, sit on the couch, eat your stash of the good candy you were saving and watch those harmless Halloween movies like Hocus Pocus, the Corpse Bride and Nightmare Before Christmas, stuff like that. You two would probably fall asleep on the couch. Or you would fall asleep on Runaan and he wouldn't move an inch, but he feels so blessed inside tho, he'll put his other arm around you (if it wasn't already) and close his eyes. You guys would probably wake up a few hours later than usual and get out of your costumes before spending the whole day either having a lazy day or taking down the Halloween decorations, depending on how tired you guys are.

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