Pokeboys Preference

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Ash loves New Years, because it's a whole new year to make all sorts of friends and travel on all kinds of adventures. Ash doesn't really have a superstition but he tries not to do any of the bad luck stuff because what is he? An idiot? He'll be most likely either drinking water or Capri-Sunstones if they're available. His New Year Resolution is to become a better pokemon trainer and make better bonds with his pokemon. Because your too wrapped up in the fireworks that began launching as soon as it was declared the New Year, Ash is the one to kiss you on the cheek and put his arm around you. Not that you mind, it's actually quite comfy as you watch the rest of the fireworks before heading to the Pokemon Center for some rest.


Red would much rather spend New Years with you without Blue's party. But you convince him to go anyway because Blue's your friend and it would be rude to not go. Red doesn't believe in superstitions, like at all. He won't be drinking anything at Blue's house, he doesn't trust it, because if Blue didn't spike the drinks then someone else must've done it. His New Years Resolution is to continue being an undefeated Champion, which is easier said than done but it's still a nice resolution. You'll be the one to kiss Red on the lips as soon as the New Year is announced, Red gets very flustered very fast and begs in his own silent way to go home. You stay for another 30 minutes before heading home to get some rest and cuddle together.


N doesn't understand the concept of New Years because to your astonishment he's never been to a New Years celebration so you take him to the local one in your town. N doesn't really understand what a superstition is so he just sits there and eats his food happily while asking you questions about the fireworks. N will try all kinds of drinks, but you keep him away from the alcoholic ones for multiple reasons. He won't tell you his New Year Resolution but you know it's gonna be a good one. You start turning red when N asks why everyone is kissing as soon as the New Year was announced and you barely even manage out 'because they're couples, like us'. N gets an idea and pulls you to him so you can share a very tender and loving kiss. You can't help but be embarrassed and you'll leave soon after because you both are really tired and just want to go to bed.


Gladion, like Red, doesn't like New Years because of the people. But he's willing to retry New Years with a party that is a mix of your friends and his Team Skull friends. And apparently for superstition every Team Skull member gets to punch Guzma at least once and Gladion goes last and you wonder why until he frickin' punches Guzma's lights out! Apparently knocking out Guzma is the best thing for everyone because he gets really out of control during any celebration. Gladion will try to be that edgy teen that'll drink Monster but you know that inside the Monster can is Gatorade that he goes to fill up every time it's empty. His New Years resolution is to be a better trainer, which is always nice. He'll give you a quick peck on the lips before acting like it was nothing while your turning redder than a pokeball. You'll most likely end up falling asleep at your party and subconsciously cuddling on the couch.


Blue loves New Years, in fact, he loves it so much that he throws a party at his place every year and invites everyone. Blue will drink anything and everything but he'll probably stick to Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper, which means he'll get on a drunk sugar high. His New Years Resolution is to beat Red and become Champion. Since he's on a drunk sugar high Blue will try to make out with you, but after a few kisses your like 'yeah no, get your butt to bed' and after a few tries he's grumbling while walking up the stairs as you kindly kick out all your guests and plop into bed with him because arceus you are tired.


Alain doesn't like New Years because ew, people. So you'll just sit on a hill and have your own little celebration while you and Alain constantly question each other on when the New Year is. Alain is actually a fan of cream soda, so you bring a whole crate to the hill. Alain's New Year Resolution is to become a stronger trainer. You'll shyly kiss his cheek and he'll stop operating for a minute before kissing the side of your head and putting his arm around you as you watch the fireworks, and eventually, the stars until you both drift off to sleep.


Kiawe loves New Years and is often offered to do a fire dancing performance at your town's New Year celebration. He practices for a long time to get it perfect and you'll often get him and his pokemon lemonade during practices, this is no exception. After his performance you'll be offstage with a nice pitcher of cold lemonade and several glasses, which Kiawe much apprieciates. Kiawe will nuzzle your cheek and kiss the corner of your lips which will make you blush, like really, really hard. You'll be leaning on Kiawe's chest with his arms around you and watch the fireworks together before going home to get some rest.


Spark loves New Years because it's party time! He thinks that if a pokemon hatches on New Years it means a good year, so he watches his device carefully and is actually serious for once. Though he's like 'time to be super serious' *drinks a pouch of Capri-sun*. His New Years Resolution is to try to be an even better caretaker and Team Leader, which means your rivals sorta but not really. As soon as New Years comes he'll pepper your face all over in kisses. He'll try to stay up as long as he possibly can but he only ends up staying up for like, five minutes before crashing and falling asleep where he stands.

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