Pokeboys Preference

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Just a mashup of characters from all across the board


He gets super excited for Halloween and you'll try to have Halloween-themed battles, where your pokemon dress up as either scarier pokemon or fictional monsters like werewolves or zombies. Sometimes they'll get scared of each others costumes but after a moment of reassurance they'll realize their friends are just in costume and battle anyway. Though Team Rocket is stupider than that and they'll come in with their multi-million dollar Pikachu-stealer and wonder where the hell Pikachu is. Until Pikachu gives them a good zap and they 'blast off again' you guys will just continue with the battle and when you bring your pokemon to Nurse Joy with their costumes and ask them to not be removed of tampered with if possible she'll just shake her head. She's honestly seen weirder on Halloween. After you'll make cookies and treats for the pokemon to eat together and there will be at least a tiny flour war. You and all your Pokemon will go trick or treating on the night of Halloween and it will be awesome. Most of the candy your pokemon can eat, except for the chocolate so you trade the treats for the chocolate. You and Ash would just cuddle up on the couch and watch the Addams Family movies, both of them while eating your candy and joking together.


Red doesn't particularly like Halloween, but he really likes you and your enthusiasm for Halloween is just...he feels so blessed. And when you make pumpkins he tries his best but that's the one thing he isn't good at and it comes out all weird but he looks so proud of it you can't help but congratulate him. You'll have a semi-Halloween themed battle. He'll only dress his pokemon up if they want him to, but most of them love Halloween except one of two pokemon. But either way it's really fun, you don't trick or treat but you do hang out with all your friends at one giant Halloween Party thrown at Blue's house. It's a giant party filled with humans and pokemon and it's amazing awesome party. Though you can only be there for a few hours before Red gets a sensory overload from all the people and tugs your arm in the 'I want to leave' fashion so you collect your pokemon from the play area, clean them and yourselves up since you decided it would be cool if you went as a zombie horde together.


He doesn't really know or understand Halloween so you have to teach him everything, but if he doesn't like a certain activity he will tell you ten minutes into it 'I don't like this' but the only thing he doesn't like is going on the ladder to hang up decorations. Yet he can climb trees like 20x his height. You don't understand it but you respect his decision. You would go on the ladder with one of your winged pokemon to help you set the decorations straight and stuff. You would also make sure to give them a Halloween-themed treat for helping you out. N likes making the treats for pokemon and cookies for yourselves. But he likes making the treats more and he will ask you with the cutest little pout on his face to make more to give to the pokemon of the forest. You can't say no to that face so you end up making a industrial supply and spend Halloween night giving them out to the pokemon of the forest. At first you get creeped out and cling onto N from every little noise while he's totally calm, but then after awhile when the starlight shows through the trees you realize your fine and let go of him. You feed the pokemon their treats and you go home and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas and since this was his first Halloween movie the tables turn and he clings to you during the beginning and ending scenes. He says he'll never watch another Halloween movie again but you just shake your head, you'll convince him to watch Hocus Pocus next year.


Believe it or not Gladion is actually hardcore into Halloween. Sometimes you catch him at your home air-guitaring on your couch and whipping his hair to the Ghastbusters theme song. You would just watch him karaoke to it with Silvally and when he realizes your home he turns super red before being like 'you tell anyone I kill you' which really means 'you tell anyone and I'll ignore you for a day before I give in to your cuddles'. This is the only month he actually likes to wear matching shirts, especially with Halloween puns on them. You guys make so many puns, Gladion usually does it by accident but you do it completely on purpose. He insists you use black food coloring on the cookies and treats for your pokemon but it turns out swirly regular cookie and black. Though Silvally always finds a way in and eats like over half of the treats. But Gladion eats the same amount of cookies as Silvally eats treats and as soon as you turn around the both of them have half in their mouth. But Gladion will still have cookies in his hands and while Silvally leaves he just gives you this sheepish grin before running as you chase him all over Alola. Well not literally though but you get the idea. You two will make pumpkins together and while his is like a super detailed anime drawing (somehow) yours is just a pure pun. And apparently Team Skull throws a Halloween party so of course you would go to that. You would probably go as Morticia and Gomez from Addams Family with Silvally and your pokemon as the other Addams Family costumes. They would call your costumes 'lit af' and heckle Gladion to death b/c unlike Gomez from Addams Family he doesn't really show PDA with you but it ends up pissing him off so much he frickin' dips you down and kisses you while flipping off his hecklers. Then when you go home and get cleaned up, you sit on the couch together and you watch the whole Halloween horror series. You end up clinging onto him because that series is messed up, and as usual, Gladion is totally immune and just sitting there nonchalantly.


Blue, like Ash gets super excited for Halloween and will plan the party he's gonna have in August. You are his 100% impulse control and keep him from spending his life savings on frickin' skeletons and skeleton pokemon to mimic the skeleton war against the fuckboys. He also has 31 different shirts that have the word spoopy on it in different ways. So he now calls October, 31 days of Spooptober He gets so excited for decorations though, everything has to be perfect. He also runs by costume ideas with you in, like September. So there's that. And when your making the treats and cookies he tries to use as many Halloween cutters as possible. He also insists you watch all Halloween movies, even the scary ones. So you often end up cuddling him at night because you're so scared. You would probably be bomb Star Battles characters like Anakin and Padme. His Halloween Party is awesome and by the time everyone leaves you don't even bother to clean up, you guys just crash on the couch and clean up the huge mess in the morning. Though sometimes your pokemon clean up the mess while you're asleep and oh boy, Blue will start blasting Christmas music throughout the whole house as you just groan and head home after the third time of hearing 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'.


Alain, like Red doesn't really like Halloween but he'll go with it anyway because he really likes you. He kinda finds the whole thing pointless. And while you make sure he has at least a little fun making cookies and treats and pumpkin carving, he doesn't really have much fun, except for one thing. Believe it or not, Alain actually likes making puns, and he likes making it look like he made it by accident even though the truth is that he was planning that pun from days though you don't figure this out until like several years later on another October and you see that little glint of excitement in his eyes. To be completely honest, the only reason he does this is because he likes the banter you two have on a daily basis. And since you're a very artsy trainer you like doing the Inktober challenge alot and if Alain feels like he's being ignored he'll cuddle with you and ask you questions about what you're drawing, what the prompt is, what the prompt for tomorrow is, what you plan to do for it, how much longer you have. Things like that. You kinda appreciate it because he has you thinking for tomorrow's prompt which means you'll probably spend less time with it, but you also like how he keeps you in mind too. You also love cuddly Alain, but he's just a perk.


This boi. This boi goes frickin' crazy for Halloween and there's one reason and one reason only why he does so. Two words. Pumpkin. Carving. Kiawe loves making pumpkin carvings of his pokemon and putting them literally all over his house (and yours). Even on the roof. You find this obsession strange but you don't question it, sometimes you ask him to take it down a knotch, especially when you hear your door open in the middle of the night and you whack whatever came in your room with a baseball bat and it turns out it was Kiawe trying to surprise you with a pumpkin of you and him as a couple that he protected with his body and now you feel bad and come over here Kiawe I'll give you cuddles to make your bruise feel better. You appreciate his pumpkin carving but that's usually when your like 'Kiawe you need to chill' you two would probably go as two Alolan Cubones and Kiawe will spend weeks teaching you the right routine at the Halloween party that the school is having. It will end in a lot of laughs and burns (literally and figuratively) but you find it really fun. Though as soon as November first hits you find Kiawe rocking himself back and forth on your bed with your duvet wrapped around him.
"Kiawe, what-"
"Winter's coming soon (Y/N)...Winter's coming..." figures the fire dancer wouldn't like the cold.


Like Blue, he is 100% Spoopy. He was in charge of Halloween decorating the lab once, but never again, never again. And he makes all of these tiny gift baskets and cards for any of the new pokemon that hatch during October. It'll have a tiny jack o'lantern (with an electric candle so they can't get hurt), a small bag of treats that you and him made, apple cider and a foam zubat or something fun to play with. It'll come with a card that said 'Congratulations, you were born in October (random day)' you find it absolutely adorable that he'll spend many sleepless nights doing this but he's not sleeping for several nights and you literally have to drag him to bed during September so he can actually get some sleep for whatever project the Professor has him do tomorrow. He'll have a notification on his phone and whenever he gets one that an egg is starting to move he'll drop whatever he's doing and run to the room and grab one of his tiny gift baskets from the corner and hold the egg out of it's pod to keep it warm. And like Blue, he also has 31 different shirts with the word spoop on it, in different fonts and styles. It's crazy how far he's willing to go for October. You two would probably go as an Eevee and thunderstone or something because, electricity!

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