AssClass Boys Preferences

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He likes Halloween enough, he's not hugely into it like you are though. You guys would probably be one of those classic couples like Sally and Jack. You would be absolutely adorable and probably go trick or treating anyway. Though you would be wary in class around Halloween because not only does Karma play his Halloween pranks but so does Koro-sensei. After you finish trick or treating you stash your candy at home and go to the Class E building for the Halloween party that Koro-sensei planned in August. He insists you should bob for apples but you both were wearing makeup so it would be bad for your costumes. Despite that you guys would still have a lot of fun and because you and Nagisa get easily scared you would only watch the harmless horror films like Monster House, Hocus Pocus, The Corpse Bride stuff like that.


The only thing he likes about Halloween is having a reason for people to crap their pants for 31 days. He sees Halloween as a way to let his mischievousness loose. You don't trust him to make you food or give you anything at this time because you know. He knows too and still tries anyway, half the time you fall for it and get a heart attack because he looks so sincere. You guys would dress as Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf or something like that. After going to the Halloween Party being thrown at 3-E you may trick or treat on the way back to his house and the rest of the night he would convince you to watch the really scary horror movies, he just likes it when you cling to him in fright tho. When it's close to midnight Karma will realize it's time for bed for you and will take you up to his bedroom. He'll reassure you that he'll protect you from all the monsters.


You are his 100% impulse control. Since his father doesn't work that much at home he's in charge of the Halloween decorations and candy. He believes he needs to be better than all the houses on the block and will buy jumbo sized candy bars and the most expensive decorations money can buy. You always try to stop him from wasting his money on those things but he insists he 'hasn't even scratched the surface of his Halloween Budget' which makes you think 'damn rich kid'. You would probably dress as Bonnie and Clyde or one of those classic couples. The two of you hand out candy together and when you have two or three bags left or there are no more trick or treaters you two would go inside and watch a hogpage of different halloween movies, for every horror you would watch a harmless one to balance it out. Asano usually likes the scarier part of the spectrum claiming 'it isn't that scary' or 'the only thing scarier than this is my classmates' terrible fashion sense outside of school' you try to brave it out but in the end your clinging to Asano and shaking. When he realizes how scared you truly are he'll pause the t.v, pick you up and have you sleep in his room with the lights on if you want to. You appreciate it, alot.


He doesn't really care for Halloween to much. He only goes with it because you do. The only thing he has a smidge of enthusiasm for is when you make halloween cookies together and buying the halloween candy of course. Other than that he doesn't really care too much. He would half-ass his costume too. He would just go as a ghost with eyeholes in the bedsheet he used while you would be a totally rockin' zombie. You look so much like the real thing you actually scared Koro-sensei. After staying about an hour at the Halloween party, Itona would want to go trick or treating and you would go with him. Everyone would assume he's a little kid because of the bedsheet and you would snicker to yourself the whole time. You would watch an array of Halloween movies through the whole month and maybe one or two before going to bed, not scary of course. Itona doesn't see the point in horror movies and just gets mildly annoyed by them.


He does enjoy Halloween and so do all his siblings. He purposefully takes a job at a Halloween store at this time so his family can get a discount on costumes if they ever need new ones, but they mostly pass the same ones around, though each sibling adds their own little touches to it, which you help them out with. You also help with their cheap Halloween decorations. Because most of his siblings are so young you two will often have to go trick or treating with them and make sure they don't get into any trouble while trick or treating. The old ladies in your neighborhood wil coo at your costumes and talk about how cute you are even though you use the same costumes every year. One time you tried to switch your costumes but that didn't work out to well and you had to go home to change. At the end of the day you go home and you watch a nice Halloween movie with this family, only one though since his siblings would watch the same movies on loop all day for October. It was nice and he would walk you to your house to make sure your safe and give you a kiss on your doorstep before watching you walk inside.


Do not. I repeat. Do not let this guy pick out your Halloween costume. He will get you the skimpiest costume ever and convince you it's a good idea to wear it. (It's not), then as soon as you get to the party and the others start making comments about how hot you look in it (you would try to make it cover more skin which the others found cute and adorable depending on who it was), he would pull you away either in the woods or into a closet in the building and you would have a steamy makeout session from him being jealous.

"I hate it when other guys look at you like that babe"
"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten the skimpiest costume in the whole store for me then"
"Sorry, we'll go shopping together next year and you can pick out what you want, ok?"



He loves Halloween for a similar reason to Karma's. He. Likes. Scaring. Five. Year-olds. When you saw his stash of scary masks and fake blood you thought he was insane and it was a prank of some kind and he wouldn't do it. But, knowing him, nope. He actually knows what he's doing when it comes to scaring naive little kids. When you go to the Halloween store to pick out your costumes he just browses, picks some fake blood, bandages and non-threatening masks and makes them super scary. Then when Halloween night comes he'll have the giant sack of masks at the door and when the kids start showing up he'll put one on, slam the door open, shout 'blargh!' or something like that and usually the kids scream and run, dropping their candy in the process. He takes the bags and shuts the door before a horde of angry parents show up and dumps the candy sacks in the kitchen. He'll do this for three hours straight and he finds the kids' faces every single time. You would be sitting there, eating a piece of candy he stole and tell him that he's 'pure evil' he'll laugh it off. But every once in awhile a brave kid's first reflex will be to throw candy at his face which will leave him stunned as they make a getaway. You laugh from the window and shout 'Karma!' everytime this happens. A Halloween with Terasaka is always an interesting one.


Sugino's a lot like Nagisa, Halloween is so-so for him. He does enjoy doing classic couples with you. But not the classic couples you think.
"Is this really necessary?"
"Yes! Babe Ruth and Claire Merrit?! They were the power couple of their time!"

You would sigh, shake your head, but go along with it anyway. People are stumped on who you're supposed to be, but seeing how Sugino's a baseball fan it's not that surprising. After doing some light trick or treating you'll go to the Halloween party at the Class E building. No one in your class will know who you are except for Koro-sensei, who will immediately list ten facts about you guys, just off the top of his head. You'll stay there for a bit to chat with classmates and compliment their costumes before retiring home and cuddle while watching not so scary horror films.

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