TDP Boys Preference

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Callum just likes everything about Christmas in general but if he had to choose one thing it would probably be the cool arrangements of Christmas toys in every window of every toy store. He could sit in front of those arrangements for hours and draw them if you let him. You don't. Callum is super thoughtful with his gifts and if you don't get them on Cyber Monday he'll keep track of sales on that item and buy it as soon as possible. Instead of wearing his usual red scarf he wears a green scarf with red Christmas patterning on it and if you press a little button it lights up while singing 'Jingle bells'. He'll totally overthink decorating the tree and come up with a whole strategetic plan that rivals a battle plan and Harrow is like 'Callum, are you ok? It's just the Christmas tree' and while you sorta follow his plan to not hurt his feelings you don't follow all of the rules, like what specific branches the tinsel needs to hang from. Callum likes the perfect balance of tinsel and ornaments. His favorite Christmas activity is sitting by the fire and reading A Christmas Carol with a cozy blanket and you resting on his chest while he sips his hot chocolate. Then when your sleeping in bed Ezrin will jump in while holding Bait above his head and he'll jump around shouting 'wake up, wake up it's Christmas!' at like, six in the morning, Callum just mutters to wake you two up in an hour as you groan in agreement. Ezrin totally holds you to it. He opens his presents very carefully (despite Ezrin rushing him to finish) and saves the wrapping paper. Either for an art thing or to reuse it later on, but you could never tell with him. Then, because Callum got a ton of new books, sketchbooks and art supplies he'll spend the whole day reading and drawing as you do your own thing right next to him. Though you'll ask him what he's reading every once in awhile.


Soren loves Christmas, a lot. He likes blasting Christmas music on his speakers while wearing an ugly sweater, christmas pants, christmas slippers and sipping on a santa claus mug casually. You usually suggest what to get everyone and he waits until the last minute to get and wrap everyone's Christmas presents, even though you gently remind him every day. Soren is ridiculously meticulous about decorating the Christmas tree and since he and Claudia have clashing tastes in the art of Christmas tree decoration. You try to get them to compromise but they're so passionate about Christmas it's kinda hard to. So either Soren steals all of Claudia's favorite pastries or spellbooks or Claudia holds back her hot brown morning potion and it's a wait out to see who gives in first (it's usually Soren tho let's be honest). Soren's favorite Christmas activity is Dog Sledding, but not in the way that you think. He'll bring himself and some dogs to the top of a hill, get on the sled and pile them on too, then he'll go down the hill with all the dogs on top of him. They all really like this but sometimes you guys have races together and a dog will go from Soren's sled to yours because your smaller so there's more room. Soren gets jealous every time a dog goes to your sled and he pouts before seeing how happy you are and that pout turns to a smile. You guys will often race together and it's really fun. Soren will try to wake you up super early for Christmas because he's so excited, but you usually hit him with a pillow and tell him to be quiet. Then he waits for a reasonable hour before trying again, either that or Claudia busts in with her speakers blasting Christmas music. Soren's the kid of person to tear into the wrapping paper because he gets so excited abt what he got for Christmas. And he gives everyone a big hug, though he gives you a kiss on the neck with the hug and it makes your whole face turn red. You guys would just play with your gifts and talk about how cool they are and you even let each other play with your new gifts. Well unless if your gift is delicate, there's a 50/50 chance Soren will break it and you're not gonna take that chance.


Runaan doesn't really celebrate Christmas but if he had to choose one thing that was his favorite it's probly cuddling you with a nice warm blanket with a fire burning in the fireplace. His gifts, like Callum's are super thought out and he keeps track of the sales and makes sure to get the best deal. He sometimes gets overboard in his planning and buys gifts for like five years in advance. Runaan doesn't really do anything to change his appearance but when you decorate the tree you like to wrap christmas lights around his horns and he kinda keeps them the whole holiday and is super casual about them. He even gets them hooked up so he can turn them on and off whenever. There's also this Elfman mug that he's rlly into and will use whenever possible. He doesn't rlly have a particular style for decorating the tree so he just goes with whatever you want for the tree. And since Runaan gets little to no sleep he sleeps in really late on Christmas day, and Ralya respects that enough to wait until 8 or 9 to wake you guys up. Runaan also carefully opens his presents as well but doesn't really save the wrapping paper unless if you want to, which you usually do. On Christmas day he likes how excited you get when you play in the snow. You, being a human, usually try to do stupid stuff. Which sometimes ends up with you falling on top of Runaan. He'll try to scold you but you end up laughing which makes him chuckle and laugh a little too. 

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