TDP Boys Preference

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Callum loves Valentine's Day but he's never actually had a Valentine before so it's very nerve-wracking for him, he wants to make it absolutely perfect for you but doesn't know where to start. So he turns to his books with romance and tabs every page where there's a couple that shows affection and soon makes a list. He did this when he was planning to ask you out too. Once Ezrin finds out he tells Harrow, who helps him arrange a candle-lit dinner in the courtyard. Your so surprised and excited because it's been forever since you've had a date like this. He tries to act cool and use pickup lines (probably looked to advice from Soren again), but you tell him the same thing that you did on your first date. You don't care about the 'acting cool' and the 'pickup lines' all you care about is that when your with Callum he's the real Callum because that's the Callum you fell in love with. His present for you is a kit for a new type of art style that you expressed to him that you wanted to do. You think it's so sweet and thoughtful you can't help but give him a big hug. Your present for him is some new books that the bookstore got in his favorite genre. He's the one to give you a hug, and possibly pepper your face in kisses. You end up spending the rest of the night under the stars using your presents that you got.

Valentine's Day:


Soren has got Valentine's Day to a T, he convinced King Harrow to give him the day off (you have a feeling persimmion tarts were involved) and he comes to your house first thing with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses. He has the whole day planned out for you two and it's really amazing. While Soren usually says 'I love you' to you at least 200x a day he'll be saying it with like every sentence because his main mission is to make you feel loved because that's what a boyfriend is supposed to do. At night you'll be watching the stars on a bundle of blankets and pillows that he brought into the woods. He got you a beautiful necklace and you can't help but love it. You got him a new whetstone he had an eye on because his old one was not only starting to wear out, but apparently this one was supposed to be better, he just didn't have the time to buy it. He'll tackle you in a hug and pepper your face in kisses while muttering many, many 'thank yous'


Runaan doesn't know what day is Valentine's day so you kinda surprise him with it. You take him out to a nicer place than usual and you don't tell him until you pay for the check all by yourself (you usually split it together so this is unusual.) 'It's Valentine's Day dum-dum!' Runaan didn't know that and while he did already get your Valentine's day gift (as custom according to Rayla) he had not planned a special date for you yet, though you already did. You arrange to do all the things he loves. He asks you to give him a minute to wrap his present before giving it to you. It was some Moonshadow elf twin short swords, you're so surprised because even though you've said a lot that you wanted to learn how to fight with short swords, you didn't think Runaan would buy you something so expensive. You'll give him a really big hug and kiss on the lips because your so thankful. You got him two presents, one is a sorta gag gift, it's a haircare set because you always joke about his hair. His other present is some new magic charms like that pendant he told you about. He really appreciates both his gifts and will give you a big bear hug, you love his big bear hugs.

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