ATLA Girls Preference

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If I forgot any let me know

Modern AU!


Katara gets really excited to meet your family, but on the way there she gets nervous and wonders if this was even a good idea. Your family thinks she's really nice and finds her waterbending awesome. She makes great conversation at the table and is always willing to answer questions or tell stories about past adventures she's had with the gaang. And she kinda understands football from her brother but not fully, but to be honest you didn't really understand either. You would most likely be drawing while Katara asks your Dad questions about the sport. Though after watching the game you guys would go outside to play a few mini games of football. She would probably be the one to join the team with all your little cousins and/or siblings. Katara would either panic when she gets the ball and toss it in a random direction or run as fast as she can and score a touchdown. She would tease you whenever your team lost because you would talk about how she was going down in the beginning. You wouldn't really want to go to Black Friday with Katara and she doesn't really want to either but Sokka convinces her to go before suddenly remembering why she shouldn't go to Black Friday. Katara is really, really brutal when it comes to getting the things on her list. And Sokka makes a mental note to never invite her Black Friday shopping again. And anything she doesn't get she waits until Cyber Monday and if she doesn't get the things she wants there either she'll just wait until the next big sale.


Toph doesn't care about Thanksgiving and the only reason she goes is because you convince her to. She kinda plays with her food while constantly tapping her bare foot on the ground to make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be and such. You also have cousins who try to sneak up on her but never can, they get increasingly frustrated with this. Especially since she's blind. They even tried while she was yelling at the T.V for the Platypus Bears to win and they came up behind her and she immediately turned around and was like 'bitch you thought' with her usual grin. They're absolutely baffled on how she can 'see'. She's also really good with playing football, but you usually are on her team because you know she would absolutely destroy you if you weren't. She actually doesn't like Black Friday because it's too chaotic for her and would much rather go for Cyber Monday. You would help her make a list of what to get everyone for Christmas and you would switch between your stuff and her stuff while giving her a play-by-play of what you were doing and what you both had and didn't have.

Ty Lee-

Ty Lee already knows your family since you're over her house so much and chilling so you go to Thanksgiving with her family. The food is really good and when you tell her mother she just brushes it off and claims that the cooks made it. Her sisters are really curious about you and find it really amazing how you already know the difference between all of them after first meeting them. You're really good with faces. They even try to test you too later on by switching outfits and personalities but you can easily pick them out from each other. Her sisters are really nice and cool though. Though unlike your family you guys don't really watch football, you just kinda play it for a bit before getting bored and going back inside to do your own things in the same room while just talking. Though most of the conversation is geared towards you and her sisters actually invite you to go Black Friday shopping with them. Their a really good team and you almost get everything on each other's lists, and if you didn't there was Cyber Monday and you would sit in the same room with a whiteboard of what you need to get for who so if someone finished their list first they could scout out deals for everyone else. Everyone's very verbal about what they have and don't have and it's actually kinda fun.


Mai, like Toph doesn't really do Thanksgiving. And she would probably bring like three books on the history of throwing stars and she doesn't really talk at Thanksgiving unless if asked a question or to correct someone on a fact they got wrong that she knows is wrong. And as you're watching football she'll just sit and read quietly yet if the younger spectrum of your family tries to scare her she'll either grab their hand and be like 'stop' or just turn around and be like 'do you mind?' in the most nonchalant way possible. She doesn't really show an interest for football either and would much rather sit on the grass while reading her book. Though sometimes your other family introverts would sit next to her and do their own thing. Anit-socials gotta stick together amirite? She's like a silent, but brutal ninja for Black Friday sales and refuses to do Cyber Monday which you find weird because she's such an introvert, but you roll with it anyway. Maybe she just likes having an excuse for punching strangers in the face?


Suki is nervous about Thanksgiving with your family because she usually has Thanksgiving with the other warriors but it took a lot of begging and convincing to go to your family's Thanksgiving. She eventually agrees and kinda sits there with her perfect posture and complimenting your Grandma with her cooking skills. She doesn't really talk unless if she's asked a question and of course your younger cousins/ siblings ask her a lot of questions. Especially about the Koishi warriors. Your family can't believe such a sweet, passionate girl is the leader of the Koishi warriors. She kinda likes helping clean up the table and washing the dishes with the others. Then when you play football only the daring go on the opposite team of Suki's. It's hilarious. Though she's an absolute beast at Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales so you have reason to be scared of her. No matter how nice she can be, her mood can change like a dime at Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

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