M. Ladybug Boys Preference

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He loves Halloween, but the thing is he's super busy during October modeling halloween costumes and fashion. Though he'll tell you where he's modeling so you could meet up with him during his breaks and do something coupley together. But it's hard to be able to spend time with him, let alone do Halloween stuff together. Especially with his Dad being a super protective helicopter parent. Though that doesn't stop you, you'll watch Halloween movies on Rabb.it and he'll sneak out just to make jack o'lanterns and Halloween cookies with you. He would probably insist on doing the Ladybug and Cat Noir couple costume, though his mask is crap and you'll insist you can make a better one but he tells you it's fine. But other than that you guys have a fun night together at the school Halloween dance. Everyone thinks your couple costume is adorable.

Cat Noir (yes I am doing this and no you can't stop me)-

He would visit you every day after school and help you set decorations around the house. He would also help make cookies but he sneaks some when you aren't looking. You never find out though. And along with being in the Halloween spirit, he would also bring in his puns. October is when he's in his punement. He makes so many puns and black cat references you end up throwing candy at him, which only encourages him further. Even during the super scary Halloween movies you watch he makes puns, especially when he's scared and clinging to you as your being nonchalant. He spends the night patrolling but makes sure to visit you at the end of the night so you could give him some oh-so sweet candy that you don't like but have leftover anyway.


He's really into inktober and will draw and ink something everyday with the prompts, but he gets super into it and will unintentionally talk to you for hours when he invited you over his house. You'll probably hug him from behind or something until he's done and snaps out of his 'zone' he immediately becomes flustered and you would spend the rest of the day either making decorations for either of your houses, watching a not-so-scary Halloween movie or doing your homework because you're responsible students and his Mom makes different themed Halloween cookies every day and Nate will give you some. You two would totally go to the Halloween dance at school. Well you would convince him to go. Nate would probably go as Stan Lee and you would go as Deadpool, you would keep breaking the fourth wall and Stan Lee would shake his head and sigh. Your friends thought it was an awesome costume, even if it wasn't a couple costume.


During this month he would hum popular Halloween tunes and in the middle of rehearsing a song he would accidentally change it to the cords of Monster Mash or something. He gets super embarrassed and flustered but you reassure him it was fine and if he wants to play the song he transitioned to he should. You regret that decision to tell him that because he will play Monster Mash over and over for a straight hour before transitioning to Thriller then to Ghostbusters theme song and he'll finish off with I Put A Spell On You. Or it would be something in that order, and he would do that in a different order basically every day. You would also decorate the ship with his Mom and Juleka in all sorts of Halloween decorations. Believe it or not his family makes their own candy so you would definitely do that with them. They would give you some of the candy to take home which your super grateful for. You would probably go as Michael Jackson and your favorite singer and invite him to go to your school's Halloween dance. You would both kinda sit in the corner and drink punch and talk until the slow songs come on. You'll have a great Halloween with Luka.


He does a different kind of Inktober, he writes a short story everday based on the theme. Sometimes he'll ask you which ending or part he should go for since he has so many different ideas. You'll help him out and he posts all his short stories on a fanfiction website in a collection. He gets really positive feedback though sometimes there's that one hater who tells him that he sucks and he just goes quiet for the whole day before asking you for affirmation that he isn't like that. He'll end up cuddling you as you whisper sweet nothings about how he's such a great author in his ear. Since he's so shy and doesn't enjoy being put on the spot he'll just put a sheet over him with eye holes cut into the sheet as you go as a vampire or something. You might go to the school Halloween dance for an hour or two but you would just leave after one slow song and walking around while just talking.

He loves Halloween, he'll be blasting Monster Mash on his phone whenever he enters a room. He's also D.J for the school dance so he always asks your opinion on the soundtrack he has going on and he'll have you listen to every song out of his 100-something song soundtrack. He'll even spam you Halloween memes at three in the morning. You'll probably go as Frankenstein and his wife. Everyone thinks you look awesome though he's djing the whole dance which means that you can't dance with him but he'll show Adrien how to dj for the last slow song so he can at least dance with you once. The next day you two would totally go splurge on discounted candy and Alya would also have a ton of candy her sisters either didn't like or her family had too much candy so she would give you some. Halloweens with Nino are always interesting.
Le Chien-

He. Loves. Scares. He will scare you and any of your classmates any chance he gets. He will also 'preach' to the school during lunch to sign up in the skeleton army to fight the fuckboys. People think it's funny and even you laugh a little bit, well it was meant to be a joke. Though a teacher would yell at him for saying 'fuckboys' so much and he would most likely get a detention. But you would wait outside the class until his detention is done and he would be super apologetic and you would brush it off as nothing before going to your house and make jack o'lanterns. Le Chien would totally make up a pun to put into his jack o'lantern. But like Cat, he would so make a ton of puns during October. To the point where you block his number because he keeps sending you jokes, puns and memes at 12 at night when your trying to sleep. He would beg you to unblock his number the next day and you would agree, only if he didn't send you random crap late at night. Your costume would probably be zombies, and since he's so good at makeup people thought you were actually akumatized, well for like 5 seconds when you both limped in and acted like zombies. Then after the party's over he'll walk you back to your house and before you walk in he'll call your name. "(Y/N)!" "Yeah?" *presses button on phone* "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas~! Everywhere you go~!" "Goodnight!" *slams door shut and audible groan from you comes from other side* Le Chien would grin at your reaction and walk home happily.

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