TMNT 2012 Boys Preference

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Casey loves Halloween for one reason and one reason only. Scares, and well, pranks. Ok so two reasons. Well he also likes trick or treating so I guess that's three, but it isn't as high up there as the first two. You know he's going to scare you, but he always gets you, somehow. Sometimes you'll either get pissed at him and go to the lair to vent to Donnie, or you'll just laugh with him. The worst thing is when he has you watch horror movies and convinces you it's a good idea, it's never a good idea. You end up not being able to sleep for the rest of the night. Though he does help you to prank the others, which you usually agree with, it's usually for your own reasons of revenge but it's still fun to prank with him. He'll eat all the cookies you make and own up to it with no regrets. You guys would probably be two totally different things that somehow relates but not really.


Raph, like Casey, loves Halloween because he and Mikey have a scare war and he'll spend hours planning the perfect scare and run the ideas by you when your making cookies and Mikey isn't around to hear it. You make sure that his scares don't make Mikey hate him forever or go too far with a prank. He also just nonchalantly picks up cookies and eats them, not caring whether they were decorated or not, but one time he picked up and unbaked cookie and ate it without realizing and just shrugged before eating more of them. Raph also likes jack o'lanterns too because you let him take the pumpkin guts home which he totally uses in pranks. But he would never scare or Halloween prank you, he's learned his lesson. You'll just trick or treat by yourself and get discounted candy the next day for Raph and put it in a pillowcase for him and claim you went for the both of you. Raph knows it's storebought but still appreciates the fact that you thought of him while trick or treating. You'll also watch Halloween movies at your house, Raph likes the creepy ones, while you like the more light-hearted ones. You guys meet in the middle and watch spoof movies that are supposed to be bad. Halloween with Raph is definitely a fun one.


Leo, he's so done with Halloween. He's super apologetic that he can't enjoy it like you can but you respect that since you've already seen Raph and Mikey's prank war up close and personal and you can't even imagine having to deal with sixteen years of that for a whole month. So he's totally welcome at your apartment any time the prank war gets too much for him, which is very often. And he'll help you with your costume and cookies, possibly a jack o'lantern or two depending on his mood. He doesn't do all those things because he loves Halloween though, but he does love you and if Halloween makes you happy then he'll help you out, but if his brothers get too much with the scares and pranking he'll tell you and just want to curl up with you while watching space heroes. You don't mind since you've slowly become a fan of the show yourself. You would bring him candy that you either got and don't like but he most likely does, or a giant bag or two of his favorite candy. But you only give it to him when he comes over to visit or when you visit the lair in private so his brothers aren't all over it and secretly steal some pieces every once in awhile. He really enjoys the free candy you give him and he also loves how you respect that he doesn't like Halloween and force him to participate in it.


Since he and Raph have a Halloween prank war with lots of scares, like Raph he usually runs ideas by you and eats random cookies off the tray, baked or otherwise. But unlike Raph he also does this other times to and you often help Mikey with the pranks or at the very least suggest he do something that's slightly better than what he suggested. Mikey's ideas are better if he talks them out with someone and the other someone offers ideas to help him expand upon what he already has. He takes vidoes of the pranks and scares on Raph and sends them to you. He also sends you the most random spoopy memes at 3 in the morning. And you get him this shirt with the word 'spoopy' on it that he won't take off for the whole 31 days. He also breakdances to Monster Mash and blasts either Ghostbusters or Thriller from his room occasionally, so there's that. He gets super happy when Master Splinter gives him the ok to go trick or treating and you get him this giant sheet and carve eyeholes in it and he just goes as a ghost but the cutest little ghost you've ever seen. He gets a lot of candy and he gets so excited everytime he gets a piece and you both go to the lair to trade candy and talk about the other costumes you've seen and what to be next year.


Like Leo, he hates Halloween, but for other reasons. Like for instance, memes. He gets super mad everytime spoopy is even mentioned.
"Don-don, can you please calm down?"
"It's supposed to be spooky (Y/N)! It's supposed to be spooky! Why can't they spell it with a k instead of a p, will that really kill them?!" So of course he hates the 'spoopy' shirt Mikey wears everyday for the whole month. And like Leo he'll often show up at your apartment because Raph and Mikey's prank war is too much sometimes. Even for him. He'll try to work in your room on what he was doing in the lab but he smells fresh baked cookies from your kitchen and like the frickin' gentleman he is, he'll ask to have one before taking one. You find it absolutely adorable because he actually does look super adorable when he asks for one. He eventually helps you decorate the cookies and gets like zero work done, but he's strangely ok with that. And for some damn reason, besides not liking Halloween, he comes up with the perfect jack o'lantern formula and shows you how to do it so you could have the most lit jack o'lanterns in the whole neighborhood and all of the little kids ask you to teach them how to do it, and you do. You get Donnie candy the next day too, but you only get him a small bag, Donnie, unlike the others, doesn't eat most of his candy immediately, he likes to savor it and will often still have some left in January because of how slow he is to eat his candy. But it makes sense, being the only smart one he has a lot to do and not a lot of time to have candy. So a small little baggie of his fave candy is perfect for him.

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