Pokegals Preference

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Seeing as your traveling you guys go to the nearest village and cook something bigger and more extravagant than normal. You even let out all your pokemon to join in. Then after your done and done digesting after watching the Pokemon Football game you guys have your own game. You try all different combinations of teams from people vs. pokemon to pokemon and (Y/N) vs. everyone and all kinds of good stuff. Serena's a little hesitant about playing but you convince her to play and even though she isn't good at it she tries to get really scary but it ends up being super lame. You guys laugh at each other's fails and while you do try to keep score you end up giving up halfway through the game.


You guys all pitch in to help Brock with making Thanksgiving dinner. You guys both eat and watch the Pokemon football game as you reflect and relive all of the funny stuff you've done so far in your journey. It's really fun, and the game is awesome too. Then you guys all play in a tournament together of teams with you and your pokemon as a bonding exercise (Brock was the one to come up with the idea). There's a lot of fails and laughs, but Misty is really scary when she gets pumped up for football so if you and your pokemon end up going against her you'll all just jump out of her way because she's way too scary for all of you.


Like with Misty you guys all pitch in with Brock to make Thanksgiving dinner. And instead of watching the game you force the boys to watch a very exclusive Pokemon Contest that only the best of the best get in. May wants to learn from it and try to incorporate some of their styles into her own, but you mainly just do it because you like making the others do things they don't want to do. Like that one time you had Ash eat a ghost pepper. His reaction was hilarious. But after the contest you all play random games of football where you try doing all kinds of weird crap, like when Brock spun 360 degrees and tried to throw the football under his leg. But he ended up hitting you in the shin and you started laughing b/c it was so ridiculous. You guys don't even try to keep score as you play, but May still wants to win and she gets scary but when she gets really fired up she's so scary you just fling yourself out of the way.


You guys have a giant Thanksgiving at the pokemon school, all the students bring their families and while the school does have their own food that they made students are welcome to bring their own stuff and it's kinda a competition to see who can bring the most delicious food and show up who. Lillie doesn't really focus on the amount but just tries to make good food for humans and pokemon. Though you join her in making food and you guys go way too overboard, and unintentionally win the contest. You guys talk to everyone you can and watch the football game with some interest. Though when you play your own football the pokemon try not to touch Lillie because of her fear, but she's double afraid because she's never been in a 'violent' sport before and you literally have to drag her on the field. She's hesitant about everything and panics when you and Ash try to get her to participate by throwing her the football. Though Ash hits her square in the forehead which leads to an immediate pause in the game as Prof. Kukui checks on Lillie and has Ash sit out as a small penalty to discourage the other little kids at the Thanksgiving potluck from doing the same thing. But all in all it's really fun and while Lillie gets worried and complains about her bruises and scrapes you boast about them.

You guys help Brock as Ash has a training regimen for all of your pokemon to follow. Not only does this get them pumped up for the football game but it also helps them gain an appetite and strengthen them for future battles/ contests. Dawn is more hesitant like Lillie about playing football but it turns out she's decent at it and she's so excited abt this you have no idea. You even encourage her by letting her win, but you don't make it too obvious and Brock's the only one who suspects it. You guys end the night by staring at the stars and reliving all of your own favorite moments from your journey so far and things you want to do in the near future.

Mallow makes all kinds of different salads and amazing Pokebean dishes for the pokemon. Though when she sees how much food Lillie brings she wonders how in the hell she made so much food, but Lillie wonders that too. You guys socialize with as many people as possible while sneaking scraps to the pokemon who cutely beg you for it. Mallow gets so excited for football even though she isn't that good at it and often gets trampled. Though she gets right back up and tries again. She's so energetic and determined and she does score a few touchdowns and is super proud of herself for those. She'll talk excitedly for days about her achievements and you sometimes remind her when she's in a tough battle to pump her up.


She's usually the one stuck making Thanksgiving dinner while Spark and Candela watch the football game. You join her because not only do you not understand football but those two shout really loud while watching the game. Like, really loud. Literally so loud it sounds like they're shouting all the way in the kitchen. It's even louder at the end when the team they're cheering for either won or lost. And that directly contributes to if they mope and pout on Thanksgiving dinner or if it ends up being a food fight. Personally you want their team to win so you could have a food fight because those are really fun, but Blanche kinda wants them to loose so there aren't any potatoes ending up on the ceiling. And you all convince her to play football with you and she's so unenergetic about it it's almost funny. Though Spark laughs a little too loud and he often gets a football to the face by Blanche, who gets sorta into it after that. But you don't pass her the ball because she thinks the objective is to throw it at Spark's face. Or that's what she wants you all to think.


She's too busy filming Thanksgiving commercials and show biz stuff until the actual night of Thanksgiving. But believe it or not Black has a talent to cook so he helps you make the meal and she's so thankful for it too. Though N shows up and your main concern is him eating all the pie. So Black's Tepig guards the pie so N can't have it until dessert. After you eat you guys go outside and play football, though White is hesitant you kinda drag her into it. She gets so scared when you and Black throw her the ball (depending on which team she's on) so she kinda ends up running away from anyone who wants to steal the ball from her and she either scores for the other team or chucks it at a random person. Though it hit Black right in the face one point and it was soo funny, he even got a bloody nose from it. You cheer on White while she's apologizing to Black for making him have a nosebleed. But all in all, it's pretty fun, though sometimes White has to step away for a few minutes to deal with an issue with her work real quick.

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