Young Justice Boys Preference

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On his first Halloween Aqualad was confused by everything but now he has it on lockdown, though he still somehow gets his foot stuck in a carved out pumpkin waiting to be a jack o'lantern. When he asks you to help him get it off you just laugh really hard before calming down and actually helping him get his foot out, but your still giggling and god does he feel embarrassed. He asks you not to tell the others.

"Sure, it can be our little secret" he somehow finds it even worse when you say that. He spends a lot of time planning the halloween party and between that and assigning missions you don't spend that much time together. But you totally understand and you even sometimes try to help him with the mission reports and the party planning. Especially with the pun names on food, you're great at making puns, especially Halloween ones and this is probably the one time out of the year he's grateful for it. Not that he doesn't like your puns, but you get a little overboard with it sometimes. On the night of the party you convince him to go as Dory and Marlin. He goes with it because he's had way too many things going on and hasn't been able to plan a costume for you two to wear. He mostly makes sure everything is going smoothly and when it's obvious there's gonna be no problems then he'll walk over to you. You're just hanging out in the corner gulping down punch and shoving cookies that you and Miss M baked in your mouth. When you finally see him you get super embarrassed, but he just chuckles and holds out his hand to ask you to dance with him. You guys spend most of the night dancing, though you do sometimes take breaks to get refreshments and when you need to just get away from all the noise for a little bit. So even though you weren't able to see each other that much for the whole month, that one night was definitely worth it.


Nightwing is really into Halloween. The scares, the pranks, the spoop. He loves it all, and you're his prime target for everything. At first he really got you good but now that you've dated him for a few years you're kinda used to it. Sometimes he really does get you but other times you just call him out on it.

"Dick, I know you're in the vent"
"Damn it!"

He also sends you spoopy memes at the weirdest times in the morning because he was up and saw it. Sometimes you're up to doing your own stuff but other times you aren't and you don't look at your phone until the morning when you wake up. You guys do occasionally prank each other but you're more likely to prank your other friends together in a team up, this usually ends up in a prank war of you and him vs. Wally and Arty. Not that you mind, it's actually really fun, but it sometimes gets a little out of hand. But you're all friends so it's fine, for the most part. And if one of you do cross a line it's up to the others to shove you two in a closet to make up. You also help the batfam decorate the mansion halloween style. Not to mention, you are in fact, the best at making jack o'lanterns. Not even Damian stands a chance against your pumpkin carving skills. And as always Nightwing loves trick or treating. But you'll cheat by scoping out the houses in each neighborhood to see which one is selling the king-sized bars. It's really fun, plus it also counts as patrol since you guys are in fact, in your hero outfits and patrolling Bludhaven, you're just having a little fun while doing it. Then later on, you guys will go to the Halloween Party the team is hosting as a rootin' tootin' cowboy and cowgirl. Bruce usually has his Halloween galas a week before the actual holiday, and you guys would most likely go as Romeo and Juliet, since it's a more elegant and formal party. But either way you guys have a lot of fun, and each Halloween you spend is unforgettable, but if you thought that was a lot, just wait until Christmas.

Kid Flash-

Like Nightwing, he loves Halloween, and he loves everything about it. He loves scaring you and playing pranks on you, though you've grown an immunity to these pranks after a few years and have begun playing your own, all of which make him scream like a little girl, and of course it's already on Youtube with 1 million views. Though it eventually turns into a prank war between Nightwing and Barbara, those are really fun though. The latest he'll send spoopy memes to you is at midnight and you usually text him 'lol, but srsly go to bed you sleep-deprived child' and he usually listens. Usually, sometimes you'll have a text conversation until like three in the morning when he's finally tired and signs off, but now you were awake and ready to do things but you didn't want to wake your parents up so you just toss and turn until you can finally rest. He also comes over your house to help decorate your front lawn and clear away the leaves into neat leaf piles, tho not gonna lie, half the time you jump into them together and share a kiss as they all fall down. And when you part, you can't help but laugh and shout 'We call if fall cause leaf fall down!' Between your laughs and he can't help but laugh too, because you both are dorky idiots. You also like to cuddle on the couch and watch Halloween movies together, though for most of the horror ones you watch you're both clinging to each other and shaking like the leaves you cleaned up. You guys make jack o'lanterns and give them to each other to be put on the other's front stoop, and of course you guys would go trick or treating. You would hit at least seven different neighborhoods thanks to Wally's super speed. Then you go to the Halloween party as your favorite nascar racecars. It's really fun dancing with Wally to Thriller because you guys try to copy the moves from the music video you've seen a million different times but you always look like you're spasming on the dancefloor. Then he begins fortnite dancing and you sneak off to take a snack break. If you thought that was a lot, wait until November 1st

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