Ultimate Spidey Boys Preference

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Harry's meh with Halloween. He used to be super into it, but you dad turning into a green mega goblin kinda puts a damper on things. Though you love to Halloween prank him. That's the best. HIs reactions are always hilarious. You sometimes make cookies but it really all depends on how many missions you have for the month. And even if you can't make them you'll at least buy some cookies or halloween-themed cupcakes from a bakery or something. Then you'll secretly hide and eat them without telling anyone. Which is an accomplishment on it's own. It's also really fun to be sneaking around and trying not to attract attention. Though usually Coulson's the one to catch you in a closet eating the sweet treats.
"Ok you two! Enough sneaking and- what are you doing?"
"Eating cookies"
"Yeah, what else would we be doing?"
"Uh...um...ugh. I suppose this is alright but can I have one?"
"Sure." And that conversation was never brought up again, unless if you two were just chilling and it came to one of your minds and mention it randomly. You guys try to make jack o'lanterns, but yours look like complete hackjobs while Harry always has a cool laser that makes the absolutely perfect design that he programmed without even breaking the pumpkin skin. You get super jealous and he reprograms it and does another pumpkin for you and it's super sweet. You two also help decorate SHIELD, and even the robots have holographic jack o'lanterns instead of their regular heads. You two will trick or treat for about an hour in your hero costumes before just hanging out around the neighborhood. It's nice, usually. Almost every other Halloween there's some evil spirit that came from the grave that you and Harry have to stop from taking over the world. But that's like, normal for you now though.


Peter is also really into Halloween, he'll send you memes at like, three in the morning. Which is usually when you're on patrol not gonna lie. Then he acts like it wasn't him. And like Harry, you guys don't really have time to make cookies, usually. So you just buy stuff from the store and hide it so none of your friends eat it. But one day you go to eat it and...bam! Squirrel-girl is there with all the food gone and she just munched on the last cookie. You and Peter pout about this for hours. You two were really looking forward to those cookies. Though, what totally surprises you two is when Scarlet throws a crapton of store bought cookies at you with a 'quit whining!' or something like that. And forget about real pumpkins! Peter uses his webs to make these really cool web o'lanterns (as he calls them). On Halloween night you and Peter tell Fury you're going on patrol when really you're just going trick or treating, but in a sneaky way. You'll pretend to patrol, beat up crime and the like, but you two keep your eyes peeled for the houses that give out the full-sized bars. And as soon as you find them you'll sneak onto the regular street without it being too obvious, knock on the door and go 'trick or treat' you and Peter do this all night long and when you get back Nova is the one to complain how you have pillowcases of full-sized candy bars and he doesn't.

Agent Venom-

He's more into scare than anything and will constantly use the venom symbiote to scare you. At first it's like, alright, whatever. But soon it becomes 'Flash I swear I will cut you'. He also tries to make cookies out of the symbiote, he tries one but you don't even want to associate with one. You find it really gross, and it turns out it was a total bust. But he does use his symbiote to hide the cupcakes you bought from the store. It's discreet and nobody could ever steal them from him. You guys would probably eat them in the vents, Flash talking about how good they are and you jokingly saying how fat you're gonna get from these sugary treats. But you eat them anyway. You wanna know why? Because your worth it, that's why. But Flash kinda had an incident with jack o'lanterns one year so you kinda just don't do that with him anymore. Flash is really big into trick or treating tho. So much so he would most likely put on some kind of costume over his superhero costume just to be more into the spirit and not get lazy. It's really fun because everyone thinks his costume is really cool and he gets all happy and excited and it's honestly super adorable. Occasionally a group of little kids will go up to you guys and ask how your costumes are so awesome and Flash usually tells them you're the real heroes, Agent Venom and (H/N). Then he gives them tips on costume making and suggestions on how to make their costumes next year. They hang onto every word he says, since he is a hero, he must know what he's doing. Sometimes you interject with your little opinions on things, like you shouldn't use expanding foam until your sixteen or wait until your siblings are at least 9 before pulling out the fake blood. But other than that, it's nice to see how Flash gets along with the little kids.

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