BNHA Boys Preference

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He likes Halloween, but he doesn't like the scary parts like you do. He much prefers jack o'lantern making, cookie baking and trick or treating with you over all that. But let's be honest here, you would still convince him to watch scary halloween movies and go to the U.A haunted house. He usually get super scared and clings onto you while trying to block out the movie your currently watching. You'll end up cuddling while watching the movie after that Midoriya learned his lesson for the year on not to let you pick the movie on Halloween. You'll also have to text him all night until he falls asleep so he knows that if any serial killers or ghosts were to try to kill him you would be there to help him. Even if his fear is irrational you'll still stay up to text him and talk about whatever. You might also play your own pranks on him too, but not too many because after some of your pranks he may or may not cry. You'll comfort him though. He loves going trick or treating even if everyone thinks your too old to go. Usually he would wear an All Might onesie or something, but with permission from U.A you would go in your hero costumes. Which will also save you from changing if there was a villain that showed up, one or two always showed up on Halloween.


He doesn't give a crap about Halloween, at all. The only reason he does anything remotely Halloween-like is because you beg him with your puppy eyes to do it. He absolutely cannot resist your puppy eyes, even though he doesn't tell you that, you know. He would be amazing at cookie baking since he's really good at cooking in general the cookie recipe he uses is amazing, and how he decorates them they end up looking too good to eat. When you tell him this he just shoves one in your mouth saying something like 'I made these for you, you better fucking eat them' with a the smallest pink to his cheeks. He would try to light the candle inside his jack o'lantern with his quirk but it would be frustrating so he would just blow it up shouting 'DIEE!!' which totally scares you. You would also want to watch a horror movie, but like Midoriya you would end up cuddling with Bakugou trying to tune out the movie. Bakugou would just turn it off and wordlessly cuddle you back. Your head buried in his chest because he doesn't want you to see the blush on his cheeks. You would drag him to the haunted house because you wanted to see what your friends at U.A came up with. You would also cling to him again because it was way too scary while he would be fine. What you didn't know was your friends upped their game so Hagakure could take cute pics of you guys being cute together. You wouldn't go trick or treating because Bakugou finds it lame and instead you would hang out at his house and unintentionally scare all the little kids who came to trick or treat. Some would scream 'monster' and smack him with their pillowcase full of candy before running off. Others would just drop their candy and run, but there were a few older ones who weren't phased and would just be like 'give us our candy plz dude with anger issues' and Bakugou would just be like 'finally! People who aren't a bunch of lightweights, here' and he would give however many people there were two full-sized candy bars or bags of like M&Ms or Skittles. Believe it or not you would have a lot of candy left over from all of the kids who left their candy and ran. Bakugou would let you pick out the candy you like and keep the rest.


Outside, it looks like he doesn't really care. But on the inside he really, really wants to do Halloween. He'll nonchalantly plan all the stuff you can do together for Halloween, which includes visiting his Mom in your vampire costumes. She thinks you two look great together and he excitedly, well a little more excited than usual, will show her all of the stuff you two did together. Like the jack o'lanterns you made together, the cookies you baked and your reactions to the horror movies you watched. After you would leave to go to the haunted house, which you're both impressed at your classmates. Though it got too real at one point and Todoroki accidentally put Bakugou on ice. Of course he would explode his way out of it and yell at Todoroki. There's also Inktober, which you'll tell him about and he'll buy a sketchbook just to participate with you. And he'll text you every day to see if you did your Inktober piece and if he could see it. Sometimes you're just so lazy you just do a little smiley face in ink. Though you do appreciate his enthusiasm for the whole holiday, because for Todoroki it's more about celebrating Halloween with his loved ones, and god does he love you.

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