Fairy Tail Boys Preference

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Gray likes the cold because it's easier to make ice and it comes out stronger. Though he's freezing af so you won't even think about cuddling him until your in a blanket burrito with three different blankets. Gray's gifts are always things people either need or they constantly talk about wanting. He tries to get them on Black Friday but if he doesn't know what to get someone he isn't going to risk wasting money, no matter what the sale, on something they may not want. Gray wears these Christmas boxers and the only reason you know this is because of how much he strips at the guild. Gray is cool with doing whatever for the tree, though all of your ornaments are made out of Gray's ice that he got enchanted by Freed so they don't ever melt. They're really pretty though and Gray lets you put the tree-topper on the tree, though it isn't a star this year and it's you and Gray. You're so happy and you give him the biggest hug ever before he puts the tree topper on. His favorite Christmas activity is actually decorating the tree because you look so happy and excited and when you concentrate super hard you stick your tongue out of your mouth in the slightest, most cute way possible- and we're getting off track here. You're actually the first one to wake up out of pure excitement and not just make breakfast, but hang mistletoe in every doorway in an effort to get more kisses. After opening each others gifts, eating more breakfast and getting plenty of kisses, you guys go to the guild where there are more presents for you guys. After opening your presents at the guild you hang out together while using those presents.


Rogue really likes how happy you and Frosch get during this month. He knows exactly what to get everyone because he's been making a list since last Christmas and if he didn't get it on Cyber Monday he'll definitely get it on a sale. Frosch convinces Rogue to wear a bunch of eye catching, ugly sweaters with them the whole month and it's so adorable. Though he gets teased a lot at the guild, especially by his best friend. Your tree is mostly handmade ornaments that you guys make and Frosch is so proud of all of them. Rogue likes the cookie baking you guys do almost everyday, though he has to keep an eye on you and Frosch before you eat all the frosting and cookie batter. Frosch is the first one to wake up and they just sit in front of the tree and stare at it, until Rogue's Frosch senses kick in and he wakes up, which wakes you up as he goes to check on Frosch and make sure Frosch doesn't do anything wrong. Rogue is careful with opening his presents as you and Frosch rip the wrapping paper. After that you guys get dressed and go to the guild to hang out with everyone and show off your amazing presents.


Sting just gets excited about everything. Though it takes him forever to come up with the perfect gifts for everyone and if you suggest something he won't do any of the suggestions because now you know what it might be (though you don't). He eventually gets and wraps everyone's gifts but it takes forever because he's a perfectionist. Sting changes his whole outfit to green, red and silver to match the December month, it's actually pretty funny. Though he laughs at Rogue and Frosch's matching sweaters you like to remind him of what he's wearing. Sting doesn't care about order, he just wants all the ornaments on the tree as soon as possible, and if somebody puts on the tree topper that isn't him so help them god- unless if it's you, then he'll just pout in a corner until you make him some hot chocolate and serve it with Christmas cookies. That's always his weakness. His favorite activity is shoving snowballs down your jacket when your least suspecting it and running away cackling before you recover from the cold and beat his ass, but instead you get revenge by shoving snow down his pants in the middle of the guild. Sting sleeps in very late and you can't get out of bed because he's hugging you to death and if you move the tiniest bit not only does he squeeze you tighter, but you might wake him up. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping that you can't do that to him. Sting has unwrapping presents down and he can open one in like five seconds, which is really impressive and slightly scary, though after lots of hugging and (some) makeouts, you guys finally get to go to the guild for secret santa and other Christmas-themed activities.

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