M. Ladybug Boys Preference

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Adrien really likes the Christmas cheer, but hates how his Dad practically locks him up so he can't see as much as he wants to. He has a fair idea of what to get everyone, and even if he didn't he would ask for your opinion. Adrien, for the first time since you've been dating, makes a ton of Christmas puns and you're super surprised but it's not like that you don't enjoy the puns. You love the puns, you make puns all the time, you're really glad that your puns are finally rubbing off on him. Adrien does decorate the tree, but is usually told by Natalie on where to put ornaments, so he's very surprised when it's essentially an ornament free for all at your house. Because he is a kid in school and vigilante at night he sleeps in very late, or at least until Plagg wakes him up complaining about hunger pains. Adrien's a careful gift opener out of force of habit, though it's great seeing his reaction when he opens his present. His face lights up in the best way possible. You'll spend the whole day doing whatever you want together, stay at your house, stay at his house, walk around, see a movie. Literally anything, it's nice seeing Adrien so carefree.

Cat Noir-

Cat Noir loves everything but the cold, when he visits he'll pick you up and take you to your bed where he'll cuddle you under the blankets you have and try to get warm again. When you remind him that he has to get back out in the cold he just shivers and is like 'yeah, let's not talk about that'. Cat Noir puts on these ridiculous cat ears and makes a ton of jokes about being part cat, part night and part reindeer. Especially with kids to try to make them smile. His favorite christmas activity is all the christmas puns and christmas references he makes. Most people might not get them but you sure do. Cat Noir makes sure to visit you as soon as possible. He opens his presents as soon as possible and loves everything you get him. He can't stay for long because of all the akumas that appear on Christmas but he tries to visit you as much as possible and always gives you a kiss on the lips before leaving.


Nate likes watching the frost on the windows and grass and tries to draw frost on everything in his drawings during this month. At first he isn't really that great and complains about it, but soon he gets the hang of it and he's proud of everything. Nate tries to draw a little something for everybody, and he starts this in like, September so he doesn't get too overwhelmed. His drawings are really cool and he gets a lot of compliments on them. Since Nate already has red hair you get him this comically small christmas tree hat and put it on his head, at first he's all embarrassed and flustered but he gets used to it and actually likes it. Nate wakes up pretty early and will send you a ton of texts even if you don't get them immediately. Nate tries to get the wrapping paper off smoothly but it doesn't matter to him if he rips it a little. You guys would probably go hang out in the park together drawing later or something cute like that.


Luka likes seeing what new Christmas songs people come up with and recreates them with his guitar. Luka's gifts are usually sheet music, songs he recorded or CDs of songs that people remind him of. They're really thoughtful and you keep everything he gives you and play it. Luka uses a guitar pick with a cute little reindeer face on it that you got him on your first Christmas together. Luka claims he doesn't know how to decorate a tree but it always looks so amazing and beautiful and you wonder how???? The whole time. Luka performs at the Christmas Tree Lighting that's an open mic for anyone who has just a bit of talent. He's really good and everybody loves him. So whenever you walk out he gets noticed at least once or twice by people who were there or saw it online. Luka wakes up either early or late, there is no inbetween. It all depends on the night before. Luka is careful with opening his presents since he's such a cool and chill guy. You'll probably chill in his room and make music or something together while being dorks.


Marc really likes watching Christmas movies and writing his own Christmas stories. He lets you read them of course and you'll give him as much feedback as possible. When Marc tries to shop for everyone he doesn't really know what to get everyone so he kinda just calls you and you have to be there to help his shy ass out, not that you mind. When Marc decorates the tree he takes forever to decide which ornament will go where, it gets annoying at first but when you two finish decorating the tree and taking a step back, you realize that it looks amazing and that it's totally worth it. Marc will wake up insanely late only because he stayed up at 2 am writing in bed because he got a sudden burst of inspiration. Marc is a careful present opener too but if it rips it's alright. You guys will just hang out and talk while doing your own different stuff.


Nino likes the Christmas music and is charged with making the playlist for the Christmas Party that your friends are gonna have in the park. He asks you your opinion on every song and tries to have a nice balance of traditional and remix so it's modern but not boring. Nino's gifts are usually surprisingly thoughtful, especially since your so busy around the holiday with schoolwork and setting up for the Christmas Party. Nino wears this green beanie covered in Christmas lights and when people ask how it's powered he says it's powered by Christmas cheer and joy. It's a big hit with the random children you meet during the month. He opens his christmas presents pretty fast and messily, but he'll totally give you a hug afterward, even if it's socks. After you have Christmas with your families (but let's be honest your texting each other like, all the time), you'll hang out together the next day and exchange your gifts then.
Le Chien-

Le Chien likes it when it doesn't snow because then he can do sports and sports practice, the snow and ice only keep him from doing what he loves and he's just pouting at the weather when you come up with the idea to snowboard. He doesn't know how but you offer to teach him. He struggles with what to get everyone so you and Max help give him suggestions on what he should get for everyone. After you teach Le Chien how to snowboard he's doing it all the time and it's really fun, especially when you choose to race and whoever gets to the bottom first wins. Let's be honest Le Chien's Christmas Tree is mostly of sports ornaments and stuff like that. Le Chein wakes up really late and usually sees your chain texts wishing him a Merry Christmas, and before going to his Uncle's house for dinner he meets you at the snowboard place and you snowboard for about an hour and exchange gifts at the end before going back to your separate houses to celebrate the rest of Christmas with your families.

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