M. Ladybug Boys Preference

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Adrien is so excited for Valentine's Day with you and begs his Father for permission to rearrange his schedule but he refuses, and Adrien's super bummed out when he tells you the news, but you ask to tag along. At first Adrien's hesitant but after a little persuasion he promises to talk to Natalie about it. At first you kinda just sit there and watch while giving silent encouragement to Adrien and go off to get drinks and food for him so he has something during his breaks. Then the photographer gets an idea and includes you in the shoot, sure at first it's a little awkward but you eventually get used to it and it's a lot of fun. After the super long photoshoot you go to a nearby cafe and talk about everything that just happened. He got you a little locket with his two favorite pictures of you two being cute together in it, you really like it. For him, you made him a hat, well you got a white baseball cap from the store, but you totally decorated it to make it a one of a kind hat. Adrien thinks it's so cool and wears it everyday, so when people start asking he says that you made it so now your website is going crazy with orders, you're super grateful to your boyfriend for that free sponsorship tho.

Cat Noir-

Cat Noir loves Valentines Day and will give you a range of when he'll drop by. You try to make everything perfect for your Valentine's Day date and when he shows up you get so excited. All you have is a simple dinner, which he doesn't mind because free food. But he'll totally make it interesting, everything to complimenting you to telling his hero stories, you've heard each one a thousand times, you always love listening to him tell it and you never get tired of his stories. His present for you is the traditional bouquet of roses and chocolates because there isn't much else he could carry on his way to see you. You got him a black windbreaker since it was starting to get chilly at night and you didn't want him to catch a cold. He wears it as often as he possibly can, even when he's Adrien. Though you guys go to different schools so it's not like he's blowing his cover or anything.


Nathaniel's used to drawing Valentine's Day stuff but never has experienced it himself. So he's really surprised when he realizes that he does in fact have a girlfriend this year. He doesn't really know what to do for Valentine's Day so he turns to his friends for help. They help him plan out this little romantic candlelit dinner in the park. He's really nervous about the whole thing, especially when he sees you in your dress. It's nothing fancy but you still look really good in his opinion. After a very awkward dinner you go walk near the pier and talk about random stuff. Since your both art people you drew each other for presents. You think your picture isn't as good as Nat's but he reassures you it's really good. You later find that he framed your picture in his room, which makes you a little flustered and embarrassed, but tbh you did the same thing tho.


Luka loves Valentine's Day, even before he had a girlfriend, it's just a nice time. His family will help him set up something romantic for you two on the boat. It's really cute and you're kinda thankful that his family supports you guys so much. His present for you was a special song he wrote just for you. You think your present is kinda lame in comparison but it's still thoughtful. You got him a guitar pick with an engraved message on one side and his name on the other. He still really likes it and you'll spend the rest of the day hanging out and watching the water sparkle in the night while talking about everything and anything you can think of. You're only interrupted by your phone when your parents text you asking where you are and when you'll be home. Luka will personally walk you back to your house because it's late and only Hawkmoth knows if there will be any akumas on the way home.


Marc's only written about Valentine's Day in his journals with two other characters, but has never experienced it himself, so he's very nervous about it and you are too. You're that awkward couple that's too awkward to do anything much and people can barely tell you're a couple until your hands brush and your faces just explode red. So Marc asks you if you're available after school and when you confirm he asks you out for probably your third date ever since you got together as a couple. It's very awkward and tense because you guys don't hang out that often and you're too scared that you'll say something that will make the other leave you forever. But Marc takes a leap of faith and tried to hold hands with you, your face is red now but you keep holding his hand as you walk to the cafe he picked out for you to have your date in. He put so much reasearch into this cafe you have no idea, to the point he's giving you trivia facts just to keep the conversation going when it lulls. You mostly talk about your day and complain about homework but it's still really nice. Marc's present for you would probably be something simple but unexpected, like a small stuffed bear and you (ironically) got him the same thing. It just has a different collar, Marc really likes it tho and you both spend countless hours staring at your bears and wondering what the other is doing.


Nino isn't a fan of Valentine's Day because mushy love songs are so not his jam. But he's still super romantic on Valentine's Day, complimenting you in his own special way before he offers you food (usually candy), which Nino never does with other people. Food is sacred. Nino will take you out to a slightly fancier place than you usually go to (per Adrien's recommendation). You guys just talk about normal stuff, except that you complain more about work and your classes. You guys also discuss new released music and which recent song is the best so far and what the new year may look like for the future of music. It's really nice even tho you have slightly clashing music tastes. His present for you is a mixtape that he spent weeks working on for you of music that reminded him of you. Your gift for him is the latest release of his favorite band which was actually signed by the band, you got it off Ebay, sure it was a little pricey but you knew that Nino would love it, and he totally does.


Le-Chien loves Valentine's Day because he gets to show you how much he loves you with this super over the top thing and it's super acceptable. This year he takes you to an open restaurant that overlooks the river that cuts through Paris. Just as desert is served he sends a quick text to Max before getting you to look at the water. You think it's weird but you look at the water anyway and talk about how much you love the water at night, even tho he knows this and why by heart he listens anyway because you always look so peaceful and calm when you say it that he doesn't mind listening to the same thing over and over. Eventually you'll see fireworks (homemade, brought to you by Max) that spell 'I <3 U' with the 'u' in the middle of the heart and it's so cool. You were both expecting and not expecting this surprise but it's still really cool that Le-Chien would do that for you. Not just that either, he got you a new set of artist pens as well. Your gift isn't as cool and flashy but it's still useful, it's a new pair of running shoes. You didn't know what size he was but you got one that's close to his footsize and the receipt is in there anyway just in case if it doesn't fit him. He's really grateful tho and is super psyched to try them on when he gets home. 

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