Miraculous Ladybug Girls Preference

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You would probably have Thanksgiving at Marinette's because not only is her family cool but they also make great food. Which is a nice change. You would have a nice conversation about recent stuff and how everyone was doing. Though you do watch the game you can't exactly play football because everyone else is in the park playing football and there's not enough room there either. Not that you don't mind. Since Marinette is a fashion designer (or going to be) she'll probably make a little accessory for everyone, which is really cool. But she still needs the materials so instead of going to Black Friday at the nearest craft store she just orders a ton of stuff in bulk for bargain price. You just buy everyone's gifts and because you're a fast typer you get everything done really quick


You have Thanksgiving at Alya's, her family is really cool. Her younger sisters are adorable and her older sister is really cool. She even offers to give you self-defense classes later. Which you totally appreciate. Though after the football game you try to play football but it just ends up being Alya's parents and older sister while the rest of you are on the sidelines. The twins are cheering on their older sister, Alya is either talking to Marinette or checking the Ladyblog and you're just kinda zoning out. Though Alya's the one to snap you out of it. Her older sister asks for everyone's lists and does Black Friday by herself, which your grateful for because she's scary. Then she comes back with some bruises and the hardest things to get on each list. Though you and Alya hang out in your rooms and do Cyber Monday together.


Rose wants to have Thanksgiving at your house for a change. Your family thinks she's so nice and compassionate. Which she is, but she doesn't really understand football and kinda hangs out with your younger siblings and/or cousins while the game goes on and she watches the football game too because she doesn't really want to hurt anyone which is understandable and you sit next to her as the last few matches go on and either talk or cheer on your favorite family members. She also waits for Cyber Monday because, again she doesn't like hurting people because she's nice like that so you go to Black Friday (depending on how sore and bruised you are) but you sometimes wait for Cyber Monday too.


Juleka likes Thanksgiving with your family. They aren't judgemental and are really cool. Your family thinks she's nice and your younger siblings and/or cousins think she's fun even though she's super awkward with them at first, but she ends up getting really good at playing with them and stuff and while you're playing football they play hide and seek, though you might jump in and surprise her. Juleka, like Rose, doesn't like hurting people and would much rather do Cyber Monday than Black Friday.


Kagami sees no point in Thanksgiving and you kinda find her family a little....intense. Being the tsun-tsun she is she doesn't admit that she likes your family because of how nice they are but you know she does anyway. While she's a little stiff at first in conversation and socializing she gets better and the fact that she's a total beast at football helps. Your whole family essentially cheers her on and you can't tell if they're trying to flatter her out of fear, admiration or as a confidence boost. She's also a real beast at Black Friday too, using fencing moves to get what you both need for christmas and if you don't get everything you just wait until Cyber Monday and get everything but plus some.

Chloe (I don't know why I put her on here, pity I guess)-

You just go to the restaurant her Dad owns for Thanksgiving, you think your family might not like Chloe so you want to take it a step at a time. Her Mom joins you guys and it's actually like talking to two Chloes. You try to be as polite as possible and when you even suggest playing football and watching the game they find it 'unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable'. You wonder why you hang out with Chloe sometimes but it's fine. She doesn't do Black Friday or Cyber Monday because she's so rich, you do Cyber Monday, but casually without telling her. Though the next day you get a ton of stuff you didn't even order and apparently she ordered them for you. So even if Chloe may be a little bit of a brat, she does have her moments.


She really likes your family because you have a small group of your family that likes rollerblading. So after Thanksgiving dinner you all try to play football and rollerblade at the same time, you somehow always fall, but Alix is always there to laugh at you and help you back up again. She reassures you that you're getting better (even though you aren't). You guys (she) also rollerblades in the store during Black Friday to get everything you need. Though you sometimes don't get everything and you just chill in her room to get everything you need.

Mylene really likes how warm and friendly her family is, not that her family isn't but you have so many more family members over for Thanksgiving and while they were scary at first she eventually warms up to them and gets along with the slightly younger members of your family, not that you're surprised let's be honest. She hesitantly plays football but doesn't do so well, until the last game where she actually scores a touchdown. She gets so happy about it and you think it's cool that your family went easy on her, though you don't have the heart to tell her b/c she got so excited about it. But you and her whole immediate family hang out in the living room on Cyber Monday with a whiteboard with each of your lists and if you finish your list then you have to get something for someone else, which you don't mind and you guys are very verbal about everything to make sure you all have what you need and what sold out and stuff.

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