Blend-S Girls Preference

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Maika thinks that St. Patrick's Day is super cool, especially when you have special dishes for St. Patrick's Day. You also gotta work becuz the parade goes right through your street so you'll get a lot of business. Dino also offered a bonus to anyone willing to work that day and you do because nobody really celebrates in your family. You guys wear special aprons and you like to say 'top of the mornin' to ya' in a terrible irish accent everytime you pass Maika. You do get to glimpse the floats and you talk about them on your break and how cool some of them are. At the end of the day you get the special drink of the day and have a small party before you go home.


Hinata is super psyched for St. Patrick's Day for all the game events that are going on, she'll do all of these events and it'll be super fun. You both take off work despite Dino's promise of a bonus and do all of these fun St. Patrick's Day events in an all day game-a-thon. Hinata is totally decked out in green while you have nothing so she pinches you a lot while you have your game-a-thon. After like, doing five game events you decide to watch the parade and you both really like the Nintendo float, it has a lot of your fav. grass-type pokemon on it. Including Grokey who you think looks decent. You'll spend the rest of the night drinking soda and playing video games to your heart's content.


Mafuyu just thinks St. Patrick's Day is a waste of time and just works at the shop for the day, she gets a lot of tips for being the cute little sister who genuinely enjoys the holidays so she'll just do that instead of participating if she can. You'll point out the floats to her ocassionally but she'll either ignore you or ask you to tell her in your 'inside' voice. Then later she'll beat you up for pointing out stupid floats to her during work. Though Dino would let you guys go outside and watch the floats if you want to for break. So you'll prolly do that to avoid Mafuyu's wrath. Overall, the holiday is really fun, even if you have to go home with a few bruises.


Amono can't go to work because she has a deadline to meet for a St.Patty's day short story but she'll come in last minute when you're drowned with work and you'll happily talk about the stuff that happens outside the window. Amono will also give you and exclusive copy of her story and will ask you every five seconds what you think while you're reading it during break. Well if the parade isn't outside that is. Otherwise you'll just go to watch that and when it ends you'll pout and walk back inside.


Aika sees St. Patrick's Day as a fun day and is super excited to try out a lot of different things. Even though you're seen as too old for such a thing, you guys (including her brother and sister) make leprechaun traps the night before and see if they were triggered the next day, but you see her Dad in the kitchen trying to pry off your Leprechaun Trap with a spatula, apparently you did yours a little too well....Aika's Kimono will be green for the occassion and her family rented out an observation area to watch the parade and you're scared to move from your seat because it's so freakin' fancy! You do like the cartoony and funny-lookin' floats that appear in the parade and it's always nice. You may have a small amount of champagne with her family 'cause your not a big drinker and you really want to know what fancy champagne tastes like.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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