AssClass Boys Preference

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Nagisa likes Valentine's day but it's honestly more stressful for him than anything else, he wants to make it absolutely perfect for you but doesn't know where to start. He tries to be romantic but it's cuter that he's trying than anything. He'll take you out to the park or something (if weather permits) but if the weather sucks he'll take you to a nearby cafe, it's simple but you appreaciate the thought and you love going to cafes and talking with Nagisa. Nagisa will also let you play with his hair and braid it if you wanted to with no complaints. He'll get you something nice, like a book that you had your eye on or some new markers that you desperately needed. Of course you love it, Nagisa is a thoughtful yet sensible person so it only made sense that his gifts were too. You'll get him something like some new hairbands (b/c he loses his like crazy and actually turns to you for extras if one snaps during school) and your favorite picture of you two professionally lamenated with a personalized message. Nagisa likes both of the gifts and hugs you in the middle of talking about how hard it is to get gifts for him.


Karma doesn't like Valentines day actually, he kinda finds the whole thing stupid and tries to blow it off. But you visit his house and beg him with puppy eyes for you two to cuddle and watch a movie together, he can't help but give in and let you cuddle with him. He kinda half-asses the presents and gives you the biggest box of chocolates he could find, but you love it anyway because...sugar! You got him a plastic bag of what look like red skittles but are actually Red Hots candy and Karma swears he's never loved you more. He loves your gift so much that he'll actually kiss you on the lips before putting the red hots into these tiny containers to leave everyone at school to prank them.


Asano, being the little overachiever he is, will totally overachieve on Valentine's Day. You'll wake up with a fancy ass dress on your bed (how did he even get in your room in the first place???) He'll rent out the fanciest restaurant for the day and there will be your favorite flower everywhere in like 20 million bouquets. You guys will eat until your full and then some. When the meal's done you'll ride around in his limo before going to a highest peak and he'll have fireworks launch into the sky as he presents you with your main present, a beautiful locket with a tiny picture of you two and a quote he believes that describes you as a couple. You think it's so sweet of him and you'll share a blissful kiss under the fireworks. You didn't know what to get him exactly so you used your art skills to recreate your first picture together, you framed it and everything. You then find on your way home like twenty other amazing presents. You think he's overdoing it way too much and literally yell at him over the phone, but he's like 'shut up, you deserve it' and hangs up.


Itona didn't even hear your explanation of what couples do on Valentines day, he just heard 'chocolate...wah wah wah chocolate...wah wah wah chocolate...' so you find him on Valentine's Day in his room surrounded by Valentine's Day chocolate. Like a billionaire surrounded by his money. He didn't really plan anything, but insists that you stay for a decent meal and will actually cook you up something. Itona will let you hug him, kiss him and even touch his hair! Because when you usually try that stuff he's like 'nope' and steps out of the way so you fall. He'll just give you five of his many Valentine's Day chocolate packs and tells you that those have the most chocolates that you like and the reason they're opened is because he ate the ones you don't like and replaced it with the ones you like (he also updated the chocolate guide so it was more accurate. Even tho it's the most generic, stereotypical gift ever, you still think it's sweet and thoughtful and give him a big hug. You actually got him this giant gift basket of different types of candy and he's actually one to give you a hug and your practically crying because Itona giving you a hug is super rare.


Isogai loves Valentines Day, he just wished he had enough money to treat you like the queen he thinks you are. He and his siblings will try to make it romantic af tho. You'll go to the nearby park or Isogai will beg his manager to use the store after-hours for you and it'll be a romantic candelit dinner with his siblings as chefs (if they're any good at cooking, most aren't tho) and his youngest as the waiter and it's frickin' adorable. His gift is the standard flowers and chocolate with maybe a teddy bear but you don't care because he more than makes up for it in other forms of affection. You'll get him an engraved money clip (b/c his wallet is like, realy bad) and Isogai is so grateful to you that he'll hug you and thank you like a million times.


Maehara likes Valentines Day but for a different reason than everyone else, he sees it as a day to makeout with you and not get yelled at for it (I mean he still does, but less). Of course he takes you out to a nice little restaurant first. He'll get you something like a hat that you want or something. You really like it and wear it every day. You got him an engraved pocket watch because he always talks about how cool it would be to have a pocket watch. He finds it so thoughtful and shows his thanks through when you make out later on in the day.


Terasaka thinks that Valentines Day is stupid and claims that he refuses to do anything for you. And he's true to his word (mostly), but he does show up at your door with a stack of books. He says that his Mom was spending forever at Barnes and Noble and he got you some stuff, but you know it was his way of apologizing for not liking Valentine's Day and making you suffer for it. You find it really sweet and invite him inside, giving him his gift. You got him (and yourself if you think of it that way), couple's shirts. He doesn't look forward to wearing them but he will anyway if it'll make you happy. You spend the whole day reading your new books while cuddling with Terasaka.


Sugino is alright with Valentine's Day, he just loves spending time with you so of course he'll love a holiday dedicated to spending time with you. He'll probably take you to a 70s style restaurant or something cool like that because you love those kinds of things (and he doesn't know how to drive so he can't take you to a drive-in theater). He'll get you some nice art stuff that you've wanted and have been dropping hints about forever. You got him this new baseball bat that's supposed to be the best because his other one isn't doing so good (and he's had it since he was like, six). He's so hyped about your present he'll spend the whole next day at the batting cages trying it out and you'll be watching him while drawing and cheering for him.

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