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Lizzys POV

I got into school without any harassment today because Danny drove me. I owe him BIG time.

Oh no. The guys are coming. they circled around me and waited until I said something, but I remained quiet.

"Say something" Jack G said.

"I like your shirt" I said with an attitude.

"Thanks it was designer" he said trying to act smooth.

"Really? I thought you got it out of a cereal box." I don't care if I say anything snappy. They'll hurt me anyway. But I've had enough. Now I'm not showing any emotion.

Jack G punched me because of the remark I had made.

"Anything else you'd like to say" Aaron added. Shawn gave me this look like "don't say anything."

I looked away from him. He hurt me to but MUCH less than the other guys.

"Do it" Taylor said. Nash looked at him with disapproval. "NOW" Taylor demanded.

Nash look at him then back at me and then hesitated. Then his knee was in my stomach. The guys laughed and walked to class.


Lunch came quickly. I easily walked off my injuries the guys gave me this morning.

The main lunch room was filled but today there was another room next to the cafeteria that was opened. There were chairs and tables in there, so I decided to sit in there.

I peeked in and no one was there. Fine with me. I sat down and FINALLY ate a peaceful lunch that wasn't in the school bathrooms.

Everyone was looking at me and wondering why I was sitting in there. Others were laughing at my lack of friends and the meme Bethany made of me.

I. Don't. Care.

The janitor came up to me.

"Hey why you sittin here all alone?" he asked.

"Just nice and quiet" I replied.

"Haven't you got friends? why ain't you sittin with them?"

"Nah I really ... Don't have friends..." I said and looked down.

"Why don't ya make some?"

"It's a hard world"

"Ain't that right"


"I'll leave yinz alone now. Have a good day and remember to smile"

"Thanks. You too" I said as he walked away with his janitor cart.

Our janitor is probably in his early 70s late 60s. He very kind he made my day.

I was too afraid to throw my tray away until the bell rang so I just waited until then.


Now we have American History. I thought they let us quit AH in like 8th grade...guess not.

"Class the new seating chart is on the board. You will NOT change the arrangement. Find your partner and SIT DOWN." My teacher said.

Everyone scurried up to the board and found their new partner for AH (American History).

I see all these names except mine. Wait. I found it. And I'm with...CAMERON? This has to be some mistake.

Cameron saw his name and smirked at me. Then he looked disgusted by the fact that he had to sit next to me.

"Everyone take your seat"

Cam and I were sitting in the middle row.

"You will work on your project now from last week. Share your ideas with your new partner. You'll create one project for 2 partners. Is that clear?" our teacher said.

"Yes" most of us said.

I haven't even made eye contact with him yet. He was sitting so close to me without breaking my bones. Ok the only time the guys have broken one of my bones was in 8th grade when they pushed me off my penny board...

"What are your ideas" I said softly. I was too quiet. I wonder if he heard me.

He was just staring at me. It was weird.

"Heeellllloooo?" I said.

"Oh um-" he raised his hand.

"Don't hurt me" I said scooting away and ducking.

"I...wasn't...I was just stretching my arm out and pulling my sleeve up" he said.

"O-oh" I said, "so do you have any ideas?"

"No do you?" he said.

"Yeah I guess. If you want I'll just do the whole project" maybe that'll get me on his good side. Maybe not.

"Really?" he said shocked. Why hasn't he punched me yet.

"Um sure why not" tears were forming in my eyes. I used to have a crush on...pretty much ALL of the guys when we were younger. Now this is the closest not hurtful conversation I've had with Cam since 5th grade.

A teardrop rolled down my face.

"Are you okay?" he said. He doesn't care.

"Do you really care?"

"Um I-"


The bell rang and I was ready to go on the bus.

"Wait" he said, "what about the project"

"We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow."


I didn't say another word with him because it was time for my bus beating.


I got a few punches and kicks on the bus but nothing to bad today.

When I got home, I was all alone. Mom was at work. Dad is across the county. Danny is back at his apartment.

I went upstairs on my MacBook and saw all these comments on my Instagram and Twitter.

"Lol ur so ugly"

"Fat whore"


"Gross. Are you a girl?"

"Woah are you a creature from hell?"

I'm not sure why all this is happening. I mean it happens a lot but NOT like this.

Just then, I saw that Jack J tweeted the caption of the meme Bethany made of me and then tagged me in it. Taylor, Matt and Jack G retweeted it. That caused lots of hate. Half of these people don't even go to our school. They're just on their side. Once again, Shawn stayed Neutral. I'm surprised Cam and Nash never retweeted it. Maybe because Cam wants me to finish our AH project.

Another wonderful day has passed. I wish. And now I just need to finish my homework and fall asleep.

At this point, I wouldn't mind if I don't wake up tomorrow.

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