Thirty-one pt. 3

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Nash's POV

"C'mon Ya gotta love scary movies?" I said.
"No way. I'll crap myself." she said.
"Pleeeeeeaaaassseee Liz? I'll protect you from the scary stuff."
"Fine. Just nothing EXTREMELY scary, okay?"
"Deal. Let's watch the Conjuring."
"No way my brother just made me watch that a few weeks ago. I am NOT going to watch it again!"
"Then what about...Chainsaw Massacre."

I can't believe she agreed to watch this movie. She has no idea what's coming. (haha) I pressed the play button and it started. The popcorn bag was on my left side while Liz was on my right. I put my arm around her to "protect" her I guess you could say. Knowing that her mom is ill and may not get better just makes me want to cry. Her mom has been best friends with my mom for such a long time. Life wouldn't be the same without her. I just want to make sure Liz is okay and I want to keep her safe.

As soon as the chainsaw guy popped out she flinched and put her head into my shoulder.

"Nasshhhh this is creepy!" She whined.
"I know. Thats why I love it."
"You're a real jerk." she said in a playful manner.
"Well 'i' the jerk am happy to say that this is a great movie."
"Then this movie is for losers."
"You used to say that all the time when we were younger."
"Ya...I know"

This is bringing back old memories but these new moments are far better than the old. She's different now. I'm different now. We're both different now.

"We can watch whatever you want. I'm fine with that" I said.
"How about we just sit and talk" she said.
"About what..."
"About you. Tell me what's been going on"
"Well I ju-" *ding dong*

The doorbell rang. Erm it's kinda late to have someone ring my doorbell. Well anyways, I yelled "I got it" and opened the door. Taylor.

"Man what the hell?" He said.
"What? Can we talk outside?"
"Bro come with me right now!" Taylor said.
He pulled me out on my porch and stood in front of me.
"What's up?" I said.
"What's up? What's up is you and Liz. I know she's with you right now. No wonder you sent me that text. You know I like her."
"Well maybe I like her too. We can't be mean to her."
"I know. I feel stupid for doing all that but cmon. She does act like a loser. Her moms a failure too."
"What the hell man? What does this even have to do with her mom? You say you like her and then you call her a loser and bash her family in? News flash! This isn't 8th grade anymore. We're older now. Do you know how this little act you're putting on will affect you when you're older? That's is...if you grow up."
"That's it!" Taylor tried to sock me in the face. I dodged it and backed away before he got to me.
"See what I mean. You really need to control that. If you're gonna punch me for this then how would you treat Liz. Would you punch her in the face? Oh and FYI her mom is sick and probably on her death bed so I advise you to shut up."
"We all know why you're being nice to her. You just feel bad for her and we know your whole plan too. 'Oh I'm Nash Grier and I'm gonna be sweet and kind to my old best friend and try to win her back just because her moms practically dead and so is her dad and her brother is a useless slob that gets fired from every job he has week after week' Is that true?" Taylor said with a smirk.
"Nash. is. that. true?" He said still cracking a smile.
"Well yeah I guess I wanted her over because I feel bad but still I-"
Just then we heard a sound. One of those soft little sounds of a girl trying to swallow that lump in her throat before you start crying. Then we paused and turned towards the door. It was Liz. What a bad moment to say "her death bed" Geez nash. You totally duped this whole night.

"I'm sorry for being a loser and I'll probably end up dying just like my failure of a family. I'm sorry" and the tears started streaming down her face.

She pushed right past us and ran to her house.

^^ basically we got T-boned and I slammed my wrist against the window and it snapped and I got surgery and I'm totally fine and so it's been hard updating and doing therapy and especially typing with my hand. So once again I'm sorry 😭😭 and tbh everyone else in the car was fine except me which sucked 😂

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