Twenty-one pt. 3

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Nash's POV

"Yeah. I love photography. So what else did you get" lizzy asked.

"Hmm I got some new vans, clothes, new iphone, camera obviously, COD, FIFA 15 and some other games haha" wow I sound like a total loser right now.

She smiled and said "you like Fifa"

"Yeah why"

"Because i play soccer and I LOVE the professional league"

"You play soccer?" Woah I actually didn't know this.

"Yeah not for the school team...cuz You know...everyone hates me and stuff. But I play on a Club/Cup team and we travel a lot"

"Oh. Well that sounds cool." I feel bad now because she said she isn't playing for the school team because she thinks everyone hates her. "So is a Club team good?"

"Yeah u18 age division club which I play in is basically a step above college level and one step below minor league"

"Wow. You must be good" no wonder. She probably is really good. I stared at her for a second. I had to take all this in. Why didn't any of us know she played soccer?

"So does anyone else know you play?"

"Nope. Not people from school. Or like Cameron or Taylor"

"Oh well maybe you should tell them"


I have no idea how to respond to this because I knew it was probably true.

"Your choice" was all I said.

Just then my mom called us down for dinner.


Lizzys POV

I told Nash that I played soccer but I'm not sure if he'll keep it a secret or not. Mrs. Grier called us down for dinner and I was pretty much forced to sit next to Hayes and Nash.

My mom has no clue that Nash bullies me at school. And frankly if I tell her I Kinda think she won't even believe me. I didn't want to keep thinking about the bullying since it was Christmas and all so I decided to ask Miss Elizabeth for the stuffing.

She passed the stuffing and then the turkey and ham came around the table as well.

"Elizabeth thank you so much for inviting us over to your home for Christmas. That was so kind of you!" My mom said.

"No problem I know you and I have been discussing a dinner like this for a while. we always have enough food so I thought why not have it on Christmas." Mrs. Grier said.

I try not to talk the rest of the dinner. It felt like Nash was staring at me a lot or was that just me? Hopefully this dinner won't last any longer and then we could just open up those gifts and leave. But I have to be honest, the food tonight was really good and I am thankful that we got to spend it with them except it was a little awkward that Nash was here and you know, he kind of bullies me.


"Do you want me to help you carry the dishes over?" I asked.

"If you want hun" Mrs Grier said. Hayes was over by the tree on his phone, then Nash went over and shoved Hayes over. Typical brothers. Well anyway I think it's time to do the gift exchange.

I walked over to the couch that was next to the tree And sat down with my mom and Mrs. Grier.

"I'll start" Nash said and handed his gift to me.

"Thanks" I said as I started to unwrap the gift. The wrapping paper was a little Christmasy I guess you could say. Nash is watching my every move while I open the gift.

Inside was a beautiful sweater and a shirt. This probably cost a lot. Wait. There was one more thing in there. It was a jewelry box and it had a set of earrings and necklace. It was gorgeous.

"Wow thanks I love these" I said.

"Good. Let's just say I had a little help on the sweater and shirt from my mom but I picked the jewelry out I hope you like it" he said.

"No no I love it thanks so much" I said. Wow. This necklace was seriously gorgeous.

Next i gave him my gift.

As he opened it his eyes went wide.

"Where did you buy this? this is sick!" he said as he held up the jacket.

"American Eagle" I replied.

"I like the shirts too. Thanks " he said as he leaned in and gave me a hug.

"Your welcome" I said. It wasn't a short hug nor long hug. Somewhere in between. Like a cool fall day. Not too hot, not too cold.

We pulled apart and watched everyone else open their gifts.


"Thanks again for having us" I said as we walked to the door.

"No problem." They said in unison. Kind of creepy though.

My mom gave Elizabeth a hug and kisses Will on the cheek. I hope he didn't mind that. Well anyway Nash went around well and came up to me.

"Thanks for coming" he said.

"Thanks for having me"

"No problem" he said and our eyes connected. Damn they were beautiful. Liz snap out of it.

"Well I better get going" I said and Danny, my mom and I all left with our presents.

I can't explain how I thought about tonight or how I felt about this Christmas because like I said this Christmas was different, my dad wasn't here, I spend it with my bully and it was just an out-of-the-box holiday period.

"Mom I'm tired so I think I'm just gonna go to bed"

"Okay honey have a good sleep. I hope you had Good day" she said.

I nodded and waved to Danny. Then I went upstairs and fell asleep.

OMG guys 3 parts to chapter 21 😂and did u see the video of the girl at the meet and greet from this weekend 10/5/14 she went to take pictures with Carter Hayes and nash and she went over to nash and tried to give him a hug and then he didn't even try to hug her back and the security guard pulled her away and yelled at her to stand in the middle. You should've seen the sad look on her face :(

But then nash on his snapchat said his security guards were assholes and trying to direct everyone and e said sorry and it was chaotic. But before I found out he apologized it had changed my point of view on them.

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