Twenty-one pt.2

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Nash's POV

It was almost time for the Waltens to come over for dinner and celebrate Christmas with us. We are having turkey and ham and LOTS more.

Sky spent then day drawing horses in the snow? that snow? or naw....

I finally decided to ask her what she drew.

"Hey sky whatcha drawing"

"Horsey on marshmallows"

"Wow..." A typical 5 year old for Ya.

I walked away and put on a nice shirt...kind of. Crap they'll be here any minute.

I couldn't decide which cologne to put on. Blue, or light blue? Wait...what if Lizzy doesn't like cologne. Too bad. I need to take a risk.

I went back downstairs and asked my mom if she needed help.

"Need help?"

"Can you get the casserole out of the oven please"


I hate ovens. Let's just say I've had some bad experiences.

I took the casserole out and remembered something.

"Crap crap crap" I said

"What" my mom asked.

"I need to wrap Lizzys gift"

"Hurry they'll be here any minute."


I ran upstairs and tried to find the wrapping paper.

I wrapped her gift up in wrapping paper that said "joy to the world" on it and blah blah blah.

I put it under the tree where we placed all the other gifts. Just then I heard the doorbell ring. Lizzys here and to be honest, I'm really nervous.

I walked to the door and tried not to panic. Okay Nash, just open the door, say hi, and let them in.

Well that's what my mind thought would happen. But when I opened the door I saw Lizzy wearing a beautiful red blouse and black skinny jeans. Her hair was straight and she had a white oversized cardigan on too. She looked amazing. Was I drooling? Gosh I hope not.

"Merry Christmas Nash" Mrs. Walten said.

"Merry Christmas" I said as she gave me a quick hug. Will came behind me and Bro helloed Danny. They used to be good friends but with Danny moving out and will at college, they haven't seen much of each other.

"Nice to see you bro" Will said to Danny.

My mom came behind Will and gave a hug to Lizzys Mom.

"Hey Liz"

"Hi Nash." She said softly. I could tell she was Uncomfortable.

"So...did you get some good stuff" (God Nash that's a stupid thing to say) I said to myself.

"Yeah I got some real good stuff you? oh and where can I put this" she said and held up a gift. It was probably awkward for her to buy a gift for her "bully"

"I'll put this under the tree. And yeah I got some cool stuff to. Wanna go up to my room and you can tell me what you got and I can tell you what I got?"

She nodded her head so I set the gift under our tree and lead her to my room. I hope she trusts me.

Lizzys POV

"I'll put this under the tree. And yeah I got some cool stuff to. Wanna go up to my room and you can tell me what you got and I can tell you what I got?" Nash said.

I nodded and followed him.

When we got to his room I awkwardly stood there and waited to be commanded. It's a habit from the bullying. I mean Nash basically knows everything about me now. I mean he knows I cut, knows I'm pathetic, knows that I make pathetic youtube videos, and so much more. Yet I don't even know his birthday.

"You can take a seat any where if you want" he said.

I flopped on the floor and waited for him to show me some stuff the he got.

He gathered some things up and put them on the floor and then sat down with me.

"Okay you go first. Tell me what you got"

"Well let's see...i got uggs, clothes, beats, other little stuff. Oh and a new camera"

"Hey I got a camera too!"

"What kind did you get" I asked.

"Canon rebel T5i" (I don't actually know what camera he uses but that's the one I have sooo)

Nash said.

"Wow same"

"Really" he said.

"Yeah. I love photography. So what else did you get" I asked.

Christmas whoop whoop

Ig: @pennysouls

Thanks for reading. Any suggestions for my story? and don't forget to vote and comment!

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