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Lizzy's POV

I waited cautiously for the bus making sure the guys wouldn't jump out at me.

Jack and jack have their parents drive them to school along with Aaron so at least those are 3 less people to tolerate on the bus.

I felt a rip in the back of my head. Cameron yanked my hair so hard literally a chunk of hair came out of my head.

"What do you want?" I whispered, "please leave me alone" LIZZY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT I thought.

"What? this bitch thinks we'll just stop leaving her alone." Nash said.

"N-no" I said. I was about to cry. Oh God liz. Don't cry. Don't cry. You're 16 and are about to freaking cry. Stop.

"Is she gonna cry? Or naw" Taylor said.

He pushed me back onto the sidewalk and I hit my head on the concrete.

I wiped my head only to find out that it was now bleeding.

The bus came right after that. I made sure the guys went to the back when I got on so I can "safely" sit in the front.

I'll probably get blood all of the seat from my head. I'll have to go to the nurses office when I arrive. I've become pretty good friends with the nurse. I've visited her a lot since the guys hurt me. But she doesn't know that.

We arrived at my shit school.

Wait! The Jacks usually meet me at the door and beat me up but what about my head? I don't think I have a concussion.

I quickly get off the bus and run to the entrance. Shit. They're there.

"Look who it is" Jack G said.

"Please not now. My head is bleeding" sure it is.

I lifted up my hand and showed him the blood on it.

He grabbed my arm and slapped me across the face. I let out a sigh and waited for him to release me from his grip.

"Bitch kill yourself." He said.

I ran away and sprinted down the hall and tripped...over a random kids foot. Everyone in the hallway laughed at me. I was the joke and always have been. Maybe I should kill myself. I have no friends at my school. I hate it.

I got up and felt the embarrassment and then ran to the nurses.

"What happened honey"

"I fell" I showed the nurse my head and then I threw up from all the embarrassment.

"You need to go to the hospital" it's bad. I'm calling an ambulance and your mother.

"M-my mother is already at the hospital. She's doing cancer tests in an hour."

"Ok I'll call her right now before they start"


N-Nurse M-mom

N/ Hi Mrs Walten?

M/ yes?

N/ this is Nancy Greg the school nurse and your daughter has hit her head and it's bleeding and you know how those head injuries work. They always bleed more than other body parts. I'm just calling you to tell you that it's only appropriate to go to the hospital.

M/ oh yes is she really okay? And I'll be doing tests there. I'll check on her after I'm done.

N/ yes she's totally conscious. Her head is just a bit...bloody.

M/ ok tell her I love her! See her soon. Hope she's okay.

N/ ok I will and good luck with the test!

M/ thanks bye bye now.

-end of call-

Well great. I have to go to the hospital now.

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