Thirty-one pt. 2

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Liz's POV
"Just hear me out. I can't let you go and I can't stand for anything like this to happen anymore. I was the biggest ass in the world and I love you. I do. I love you I love you I love you I love you.
You keep me alive. I want us back and don't think I was kidding about us getting married." Nash rambled.

"Nash what in the-"
"Please. I need you"
"Just let me talk!"
"Why in the world would you need me for starters?" I said while crossing my arms.
"I'm so grateful to live next to a beautiful girl like you. I-I just always liked you and then Taylor came along and liked you and he made me pick on you."

Nash looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. It was like looking into his soul and that's when I realized that he wasn't lying. I didn't think he was lying, but now I know for sure.

"Stand up" he said to me.
"Stand up"

I stood up and so did he. He looked into my eyes and grabbed my waist and kissed me. I wasn't expecting that at all. Of course I kissed back, but a million things are going through my head. All the memories of us are flooding back.

He pulled away and said, "I love you"
"I love you too" I said without even thinking.
Dang Liz why did you have to say that?
"Nash I'm not really...sure. A lot of things are going through my head right now. I mean, yes I felt something, and I do love you. You used to be my best friend and you were always there for me but now...-"
"But now we can be best friends AGAIN!"
"N-nash I need to be able to fully trust you"
"And you can! I promise!"
"Nash I gotta g-"
"I want you to stay. Please stay with me. Isn't your mom away anyways? You can spend the night. Just like...the old...days, remember?
"Ughhhh. Fine. At least come back to my house and let me get some things"
"Wait, you'll really stay?"
"Well yeah. You just told me to."
"Oh yeah, I guess so."
"I'll be back in a little bit. What should I bring" I asked.
"Bring pajamas and a blanket and if you want you can bring a pillow. Phone charger, hair brush, and a pound of makeup."

I glared at him on the last thing he said. I don't wear a lot of makeup anyways.

I got up and walked out. Oh my god what if he hits me or punches me. Well Mrs. Grier is home right? So nothing should happen to me and if something does, then there'll be witnesses.

This feels so weird though. I haven't been to his house in ages and that one time he came to my house was a ONE TIME thing. I'm scared. What if I fall for him.

I reached my steps and walked up them slowly to waste time. "Just do this Liz. Maybe this won't be so bad after all." I said to myself. I opened my door and went to my room.
Then I packed my clothes, blanket, and things. I had a message on the phone's answering machine. It was my mom.
"Honey call me when you get a chance. Something came up. I-I love you"
It sounded like she was crying
I called back right away.
"Honey? I need to tell you something"
"A-are you alright?" I have a feeling this isn't going to be good news.
"Honey I've been having lots of pain in my neck and I went to the hospital and, and m-my c-cancer is back."

That's all she could say. I wanted to cry but I knew she wanted me to be strong. Everything is happening so fast. She just blurted it out just like that.

"So what's gonna happen now?" This conversation is flying by.
"I need you to know that's it's getting worse pretty fast. Danny knows and he'll be with you tomorrow. I'm not well enough to fly home yet, or I may not get better and won't be able to fly home at all. Danny can come and drive me home or the best thing to do is let me get some treatment in before I fly home."

"W-will you be alright?" I asked trying not to cry.
"Don't worry about me honey."
"MOM. TELL ME HOW BAD IT IS" she paused for a bit.
"Honey it's moving really fast and I'm already at stage 3."
"NO MOM!" Tears slipped down my cheeks.
"Honey it'll all be fine and everything will happen for the best. I can't talk anymore. Be strong for me and I LOVE YOU. I'm sorry this was such a fast conversation and I just came in like that. I'm seeing a doctor right now."
"Okay. I l-love you." I said trying not to cry some more.

She hung up but then SHOOT I have to go back over to Nash's. I already had my stuff in my duffel bag but I need to walk back over. I grabbed my phone charger off the table and walked out the door. Do I have to tell Nash about my mom? Only if he asks or if I start bawling.

I knocked on the door and right away he opened the door...again. He did that the first time too.

"H-hey what's wrong" he asked.
I guess he could see I was crying.
"Can we go to your room and tell you?"
"Yeah of course."

We walked upstairs and entered. Then we closed the door and sat down.
"Okay," I said, "My mom called me and her cancer came back and it's getting bad really fast. She's already at stage 3 and she was on a business trip in New York or something and she can't fly home right now because she's not well enough." Wow I said that without crying at all.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." Nash said bringing me into a hug.
The thought of being in his arms actually made me a bit happier.

"It's fine. I just don't want to talk about it right now."

"That's fine." He said.
"You give really good hugs." Did I just say that out loud?
"I dooooo?" Nash said smirking.
"Yes. You do. Very good hugs."
We stood up and he wrapped his arms around me and my world stopped. I'm worried about my mom. Wait...let me rephrase that. I'm scared at of my freakin mind for my mom.
"Everything will me fine" Nash said as he kissed my forehead.
I guess I haven't seen this side of Nash since he became friends with Taylor.

To be continued...


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