📖Finer Things📖

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I went to high school in compton so it took me about a hour and 20 minutes by train, to get to the studio Kentrell and his friends recorded at. I made this a daily commute after I got out of school, considering he fed me and even gave me money for school and that was something my mother never did.

Sometimes he'll have one of his tour buses sitting outside and that's when we'll have sex. It was really crazy because it seemed as if the more i spend time with him, the more I realized he was different than what I expected. He seemed so rowdy and aggressive on the internet but not when he was with me....he was always laughing and making jokes. He always gave me compliments and made me smile.

Shit, he even introduced me to new things. Even though he was young too, he showed me love and affection and that was something I never experienced. I was only 15, all niggas did my age was act childish...but Kentrell? See he was different. He was like my bestfriend, I could literally tell him anything and he'll sit there and listen to me.

However, I was always meeting him somewhere since he claimed he didn't want to travel all the way to compton and considering he was a celebrity,  and it would cause a lot of commotion and I understood that.

We would always go get something to eat and he'll invite me to his little house in woodside. One of the most expensive suburbs in california.

I remember my first time going, I never seen a house so big in my life.

" Where are we going ?" I asked, turning my head towards him as he focused his attention on the road ahead of him.

" You'a see, be patient..." He told me.

I sighed to myself and sat back in the passenger seat of his Benz G-wagon.

We passed by so many mansions and they all looked so nice but as we came up towards a dead end street, I noticed this one house. It was the nicest house on the whole block.

That's when I noticed the car to be slowing down a little bit, It's like he read my mind or something. We pulled up right outside of the beautiful mansion and that's when something clicked....

This was the same mansion I saw on his instagram photos, so maybe this was his.

" This yours?" I asked him.

He looked back towards me and smiled, revealing the grillz in his mouth.

I remember him driving his car into his 4 car garage and in there he had 3 other more foreign cars. I felt like I was a star of a movie because I seen so much luxury at once. The house was even better inside, never have I ever seen a ceiling so high up.

This wasn't a dream this time, It was actually real.

" Make yoself at home." He told me as he disappeared from the foyer area. He left me to look around by myself in this big mansion...I had no idea where to go.

We literally had sex everyday, it's like he knew my body better than i did myself. At this point, you could say I was a pro at things like this.

And everytime I'd do a good job, he'd buy me a gift.

And man, when i say his gifts were the best. He'll literally ask me what I wanted and anything that I said, he'll get it.

Rings, watches, designer bags, shoes, phones, clothes and more... I remember he gave me a watch after out little session and I kid you not, He literally stated...." Keep that shit up and im gon' put a ring on yo finga..."

After sessions, we always use to talk. We talked about dreams, fears, past, family and PAIN...He had alot of that in him. We sung songs together and even rapped. He introduced me to his religion.

He said he believed in Allah, which was a islam god.

We both came up from fucked up backgrounds. He told me about how his mom always put a man before him and I could definitely relate to that alot because mine did the same and still to this day does.

We both agreed that we both felt misunderstood by people.

Learning about his past was heartbreaking...and even to this day i could see how the trauma from his past made him into the person he is today. He was always aggressive and mean towards people but he still managed to make people happy through his music and some people just don't know...

This was deeper than what he raps about...

He was actually hurting...

And since he was willing to share things with me like that, it made me trust him and he trusted me.

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