📖Other girls📖

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After the incident with my cousin, I ain't hear from her since . I was at least expecting an apology but I guess she didn't have enough balls to admit her wrongs, so fuck her.

But one in particular night Kentrell had a show in Oakland which was a couple of hours away from Compton, so he let me tag along. I told my mom I was going to granny's house, even though I was lying,

When the show had ended, we all crowded around backstage and I watched as all the groupies stood around him. I ain't like that a little bit but He always told me to " play my role" and what he meant by that was to act as if I didn't know him out in public.

He told me he didn't want the blogs in our business and I could understand that. He explained to me that every relationship he had was ruined because of the blogs.

So I understood

But times like this made me wanna make myself known.

And I'm pretty sure these females were in their mid 20's and I was just a 15 year old girl but to me, that ain't mean a damn thing.

Growing up in Compton taught me a lot of things, one in particular was learning how to beat a bitch ass.

I had hands for days...

I watched as they all smiled and his face. It seemed as if they felt my vibe from all the way on the other side of the room because I was PISSED.

It wasn't until some stripper looking Bitch started touching on him, and it wasn't just any touch... she touched his dick.

And I wasn't having it. NOPE! Not tonight.

I stood up from the chair that I sat in and stormed across the room. All I could remember was me yanking her by her weave and she couldn't even remain stable, considering she had on some tall ass heels.

" BITCH KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!" I yelled as I continued attacking her.

It took about 4 of Kentrell's friends to get me off that Bitch because I wasn't letting go. They had to pull with all their might.

That's when dumb ass Kentrell came up behind me and snatched me up by my box braids and pulled me into a private dressing room. I screamed and kicked for him to let me go, until he slapped me causing me shut up.


Both me and him was livid, I was even sweating. He pinned both my hands to the wall.

" WHY YOU TOUCH HA?!?" He asked again.



I spit in his face causing him to stop dead in his sentence, and the look in his eyes had me scared. He looked as if he was about to kill me.

He slapped me so hard, to the point where my nose started bleeding. I pushed him on the ground and got on top of him and starting punching him and even tried to pull his eyeballs out of socket. I was gonna kill him today.

It wasn't until he flipped me with all of his might and pinned me down onto the floor.

" I HATE YOU!" I repeated.

What he did next, I honestly didn't even expect. With one arm he had me pinned down to the floor and with the other he stripped me naked.

He kissed and licked on every inch of my body, starting with my neck, my cheeks, and eventually my lips and found his way down and in between my thighs.

I was still fighting at first, but he was so passionate I think my body gave in before my mind could catch up. I was so fucking wet. I was mad. I was turned on. I wasn't going anywhere, and he knew it. He ate my pussy for what felt like an eternity and I loved every minute of it. He kept telling me he was sorry for letting her touch him.

He kept calling me His baby, saying I had a tantrum, but he told me he knew just how to fix that.

He sat up and pulled his dick out. I don't think I'd ever seen it so big. He fucked me like he had never fucked me before. There was no instruction this time. He just fucked me and fucked me and gave me more and more dick. When he finished me off, he took a long deep stroke and nutted on me. Then grabbed me so tight around my throat I couldn't breathe, he then looked me in my eye and told me if I ever pulled a stunt like what I did that night, he'd kill me.

He laid on top of me staring me dead in the eye, so I knew he was serious, he stuck his tongue down my throat, kissed me and told me, " mane you lucky I luh you."

I was still shook...


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