📖 My face 📖

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The day after the incident with Kentrell I had already knew what I wanted to do and that was leave.

But my mind was roaming of impossible
"what if's "

What if he finally treats you right ?

What if he marries you ?

What if he really loves you ?

What if he didn't mean all the shit he did to you ?

And I hate that I was even thinking like that. When the morning finally came I rolled out of bed and got up on my feet and noticed that Kentrell was knocked out in a deep sleep in the hotel bed.

How did he sleep good knowing that he put me through so much shit?

That's what I'll never understand.

I walked to the bathroom and used the toilet before getting in the shower. When I was done with that I remember me walking towards the mirror in the bathroom.

I blinked a couple of times before looking at my face.

What was happening to me?

I looked at myself and saw somebody unrecognizable. I was beat up from my arms all up to my face.

Both my eyes were black. My lips were busted. And my face.... my face , was swollen.

As I looked at myself in the mirror I heard the creaking of the hotel bathroom door. I saw a figure walking into the bathroom, and I just knew it was Kentrell.

He noticed the tears in my eyes and before I could say anything, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, causing me to flinch.

I tried to remove his arms but he was just too strong.

I heard small sniffles coming from him which told me that he wanted me to feel sorry for him once again. He always did this when he wanted me to kiss his ass.

But I wasn't having it no more... not after he beat my ass yesterday.

" I love you... I'm sorry.... mane you know how I get sometimes." He cried.

" I'm dumb, ion know why I did that." He cried some more.

I just looked at myself in the mirror as he held onto me and cried.

"I always fuck up a good thing but it don't be my intentions. I luh you, I mean 'nat."

He continued to cry as I looked at myself in the mirror. He noticed that I wasn't replying back so he continued to apologize and say how much he loved me.

I inspected my face once more and cried to myself even harder. How could I let it even get this bad ?

I didn't want to be trapped like this forever so I had to do something. And it had to be soon...

So that's when I made my mind up.

I was leaving, for good.

But I couldn't tell him that, because I knew he would probably beat me again. So I stayed silent.

But I did say a few words as I remember.

" I forgive you Kentrell..."


What y'all think gonna happen next?

Is she really gonna leave ? Or not 🤔

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