📖 Knock Knock📖

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Recap of last chapter

I couldn't stop thinking while I layed down in my bed... it has been 5 months since I've been with Kentrell.

And that's when it came back to me....Oh fuck, I forgot I was pregnant.

Now I know what yall are thinking...how could you forget that you are pregnant?
But I was just all caught up with being back home and being back in the presence of my friends, it had totally slipped my mind.

5 months of being clean from Kentrell...now I was alone pregnant with his baby.

Was I really smart for leaving ?


The whole rest of that day I just cried and cried without coming out of my room. I thought it was all over.

But I guess not.

Leaving Kentrell alone made me forget the fact that I was even pregnant.

I could hear his voice in my head telling me that I was a stupid bitch for leaving and that I'll never be smart enough...

It made me cry even more.

Why god? Why me ? I know you saw him beat on me, I know you saw him emotionally and mentally abuse me.

I know questioning god was the wrong thing to do but I was just so confused.

I'm not a killer and I hated when people spoke of abortions.

I couldn't take care of a baby alone though, and I didn't want Kentrell to take care of it either. We haven't spoke in months.

I didn't want to tell him because he'll make me keep it for sure...I didn't want to talk to him about it.

" I can't ..." I mumbled softly to myself.

" Why not?"


And then just like that he was standing right beside my bed with a evil grin plastered upon his face.

I couldn't lie, I almost peed on myself when I saw my former abuser standing right beside my bed.

Maybe I was dreaming because what was he doing here ? I thought he had forgot about me.

He seemed to be doing just fine on the internet with money mayweather's daughter " Yaya" ... his new girlfriend, supposedly.

And then that's when his spell started to hit me. He smelled so good and he had a fresh cut with his nice fit and his Cuban links.

He looked at me and did his famous evil laugh. And said, " Say, I miss you thug." in his famous southern accent.

He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a pandora box.

I knew what he was doing....

I wiped my tears and hesitated a little Before saying the words, " Hey Kentrell."

He told me to not be scared and to come give him a hug, and I knew once I walked over to give him a hug I was gonna fall back in love with this boy.

I knew His plan, I knew him.

He wanted me back but the question is,

Was I gonna go back?


Y'all think she gon go back?

If this was y'all, what would y'all do?

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