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Hope you guys are staying safe inside. Here's an update to keep you guys busy .


I stuffed my face with cheese lays as I sat and watched mukbangs on my phone. The volume was turned up to the highest volume. It was loud in the studio, I hated coming here with Kentrell but it's not like I had a choice. I had to do what he said.

"Mm,"  I groaned, looking down at my belly. She was kicking again. She hated loud music too. She hated loud sounds in general. Every time Kentrell will try to harm me in any way, it's like my baby knew. She Knew for sure because she reacted damn near every time.

I leaned up in my spot on the sofa. I always sat in the back of the studio, it was basically a room with a couch, a mini-fridge, and a bathroom. Kentrell Manage to earn enough money from his rap Career to buy it. He was real big at this time. Everyone knew him. Nobody knew me though.

I was still his secret.

Grandma and mama use to always ask why Kentrell never showed me off. Why he never mentioned me in his interview, I couldn't give them an answer.  They wanted one though because I was now 17 and pregnant...by a boy who didn't even acknowledge me on the media.

They liked Kentrell but they didn't know the things he did to me. They only liked him because of his money because If I ended up pregnant by one of those niggas by Grandma's house, It'll be dead. Mama ain't play that.

The door that leads into the studio creaked opened and there Kentrell was, walking through.

" Why you lookin like dat?"

I didn't notice i still had a look of disguise on my face from my baby kicking me. I instantly tried to change it.

" Nothing she was kickin me again," I said to him.

" Look like you ready ta go, You ready to go?" He asked, walking over to the fridge.

" Nah, take yo time Kentrell..." I told him. I didn't want him to think I was ready to leave and then he snaps later.

He smacked his lips and grabbed the cigarette from behind his ear. " go wait in da car." He demanded.

" Kentrell I said it's o-"

" I SAID- go wait In the car! Ain't gon repeat myself." He snapped.

I grabbed my chips and lifted up from the couch. I wobbled my way over to the door that led into the studio before being stopped.

" say, go through the back" he said, gripping my wrist.

This caused me to turn around and face him. I didn't know why he wanted me to leave out the back door considering the front door was closer to the car.

Maybe it was too many people in the studio. It probably was too much for my pregnant ass anyways.

I obeyed and did as he said. He gave me the keys and walked me halfway to the car before heading back inside.
Finally, I was about to go home. I unlocked the doors to the all white Bentley and slid in the front seat.

These seats were so comfortable, I literally was ready to fall inside in the front seat. Until I realized I left my phone inside.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, feeling around inside the car.

I sighed to myself as I unlocked the doors to get out the car. I wobbled over to the door I left out of and tried to open it, however I wasn't successful.

So I walked over to the entrance of the studio. Looking down and not looking straight ahead.

" so you gon' use the number I gave you."

" you know Iam "

That was Kentrell's voice so immediately picked my head up.

Who was this?

I saw Kentrell right in front of me talking to some FAN. She was giggling all in his face and he was giggling back.

" Kentrell who is this ?" I questioned with worry on my face.

" Kentrell you ain't tell me yo sister was pregnant." The girl spoke aloud looking at my pregnant belly.

I know this Bitch Didn't ....

" say , why the fuck you get out the car !?" He yelled.

He was mad now, I saw it all over his face.

But I was LIVID.

But was I surprised? Not at this point . I was use to the hurt.


She dumb or what ?

Y'all know someone like her ? 🤣😆

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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