📖First time📖

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Life was great, I felt like I was the one who was famous. Kentrell just had no problem showering me with gifts. At the age that I was, I was really fascinated with gym shoes so literally every time a new pair of Jordan's came out, I had them.

But it came with consequences...

And what I meant by consequences is that I had to be there with him no matter what and do what he wanted me to do.

And I know what y'all thinking.

" your basically his sex slaves too..."

But I wasn't.

Because what me and Kentrell had was special. He loved me and I loved him.

And I know for fact he didn't treat his other girls like me. He didn't spend time with them and he didn't take them on the road with him and he didn't buy them any gifts. But with me he did, so it was different.

He introduced me into new things and I was cool with it because new experiences were cool considering I was 15 at the time.

And How could I forget the first time we had a threesome. I could never forget it.

It was a Friday night to be exact and I had just got out of school. I remember him sending me a text to come to one of the hotels in the LA area. So with me being the sneaky little teenager I was known to be, I snuck out the house and called me a taxi.

Now mind you, I didn't know his intentions. I just thought he wanted to see me like always.

But nope, that night was different.

When I arrived, I knocked on the room he told me to come to.

He answered after about 2 knocks and once I was completely in, He cornered me right by the door, started sucking my nipples and fingering me. It felt so good I just leaned back and closed my eyes.

He took his fingers out of me and slid them into his mouth, and gave me one of those sexual looks that he gave his fans at his concerts.

Immediately after, he told me to close my eyes, then led me into the dark room. He stopped me and told me to touch my toes. I bent over and did as I was told.

I then felt a pair of hands spreading my cheeks and then entered a tongue. The hands that touched all over me didn't feel like man hands at all, but then I started to hear females moans.

And that's when I heard Kentrell say, " Say mane, get up."

I felt Kentrell shove their finger in my behind, and I never had that happen before. It felt like he put something inside, but before I knew it, I didn't feel like myself. Something was happening.

I was already a river flowing. It instantly became 10x's wetter. It Felt like I broke out into a cold sweat, but I felt so good. It felt like one more lick would make me climax. They then both laid me down.

And I swear I couldn't speak, I was speechless because never had I ever had this happen to me . A girl was actually giving me head, and it was actually good.

What was I becoming ?

He made a monster.


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