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Happy black history month loves ❤️ join me as I update everyday to celebrate the incredible achievements and contributions Black people have made to our country.

Happy black history month loves ❤️ join me as I update everyday to celebrate the incredible achievements and contributions Black people have made to our country

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Being back at home felt so good. I was finally in a peaceful environment with no abusive Kentrell. I was happy.

And I'll never forget the look on my little sister's face when I walked through the front doors.

" What happened to your face girl? Mama gonna be mad at whoever did this." I remember her saying.

I just cried and put my head down. I had to tell her the truth and make sure she didn't tell mom.

Cause if she did, that would be a situation I wouldn't wanna be in... cause Kentrell was crazy CRAZY, and he had no problem putting his hands on me so he definitely wouldn't have no problem putting his hands on my momma.

" Sit down girl, tell me what happened to your face." She told me.

I walked over to sit on the couch and explained to her what happened. She was more surprised about the fact of me actually knowing Kentrell than the fact that he beat me up.

Kids these days loved him, they didn't care of what came with him.

" Wait wait wait, so let me get this straight." She nagged.

" Nba youngboy THE RAPPER did this to your face?" She asked looking at my face.

I took a deep breath and nodded slowly. I explained to her and told her that it was no way we could tell mom and she agreed and accepted it.

One thing about my 14 year old sister was that she could do the world's greatest makeup, so you know I had to ask her to make my face look better before mom could get home from work.

As the weeks went by my face healed and everything was back to normal. Mama didn't know anything and I wanted it to stay that way.

I owed my little sister BIG TIME.

I missed everything about being at home, the food, school and friends. I missed my normal life and I was glad I could be back at home again with my real family.

" How those grades looking y'all?" Mama asked as we all sat at the dinner table.

I was doing better in school, with no distractions. I had a honor roll with all A's and B's.

However the oddest thing happened this day. Mama cooked my favorite meal, pepper steak and rice and for some strange reason I couldn't seem to hold it down. I wasn't sure what it was but then I knew once saliva started filling my mouth.

And yes indeed I threw up, all on the ground while we all ate at the table. That's when me and my sister made eye contact and I was pretty sure she knew.

I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and told my mom I wasn't feeling well and she allowed me to go back to my room and lay down.

I couldn't stop thinking while I layed down in my bed... it has been 5 months since I've been with Kentrell.

And that's when it came back to me....Oh fuck, I forgot I was pregnant.

Now I know what yall are thinking...how could you forget that you are pregnant?
But I was just all caught up with being back home and being back in the presence of my friends, it had totally slipped my mind.

5 months of being clean from Kentrell...now I was alone pregnant with his baby.

Was I really smart for leaving ?


Was it the right choice ?

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