#2 "It reminded me of you." - myg

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When Yoongi comes back from overseas, he gives you gifts. He'd tell you that he just 'happened' to buy it and since he had no use for it, you might as well have it. You'd tease him in response because you know, that under that cold demeanour he put on, he had bought the gift specifically for you.

You're sitting on your couch and watching a movie when Yoongi comes home from Japan, front door clicking closed as you hear him kicking off his shoes. Earlier in the relationship, you used to jump up and give him a hug every time he came back from a long trip. Now, you just continue watching your movie. He likes it better this way, easing back into what the two of you always do; chilling on the couch while just talking about everything and nothing.

He sits down next to you on the couch and places a small bag on your lap. You take your eyes off the TV to give him a look, smile on your face. He keeps his eyes on the TV, but you know he's looking at you with his peripheral vision. You look down at the small gift bag, pink and purple floral patterns letting you know that he put in a little effort to make it look pretty and presentable.

Movie now forgotten, you're opening the bag, pulling out something wrapped in crepe paper. You carefully unwrap the paper to find a small, brown bear. You've seen enough anime to know that it's one of those handmade ones and you look at Yoongi, wondering if he actually put effort in sewing the small toy. But you don't need to ask him; you know he did.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to have it," he grumbles, and you only realise now that you've been staring at him for a good ten seconds. Ten seconds too long for him, you suppose.

"No, I love it," you say with a smile, looking down at the bear, "but why a bear?"

"It reminded me of you."

Fuck, he's adorable.

"If anything, this cute little bear looks more like you," you tease him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before standing up to put the little bear in your collection of gifts in your room.

But you don't get to take a step before Yoongi pulls you down on his lap. He has his arms wrapped around your waist and you laugh quietly at his way of telling you he missed you.

And the two of you stay there for the rest of the night, the small brown bear still in your hands.

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