#46 "You can go first." - kth

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Hands clammy, you're biting your lip and staring at the clock on your wall. You don't know why but looking intensely at the ticking of the clock's minute hand is more interesting now that you're trying not to awkwardly look at everything else in the room. The clock is the only thing you can look at.

Six more minutes until he's here.

Right now, six minutes seems like an eternity. You find yourself sighing, standing up and just staring around your living room. It's spotless for the first time; you've spent the last hour stress cleaning. Now, you've got nothing to do. All you can do is wait.

Only a minute passes and there's a knock at the front door. He's five minutes early.

You scurry to the front door, making sure you don't trip over anything. You take a long intake of breath to calm yourself down before opening the door. He stands there, boxy smile on his face as he gives you a little wave, greeting you with a small hello. You let him in, being unusually polite and he chuckles at little at your weird antics before making his way inside your flat.

A cup of tea and a small awkward conversation later, the two of you are sitting next to each other on your couch. It's evident that both of you have something to say but don't know how to approach the subject. You're biting your bottom lip and playing with your hands again. He's constantly swiping his lips with his tongue.

When the two of you decide to speak, you both look at each other and take a breath to speak at the exact same time. You both laugh quietly before he gestures his hand toward you.

"You can go first."

And then you're lost at what to say again. The pressure is on you now. It's now or never.

"Tae," you start, saying his name even though he's the only one in the room, "we're good friends, right?"

He nods.

"These past two weeks with us... testing the waters. Fuck, I love it so much. I want us to be more than good friends, Tae. I want you to be my boyfriend."

There. It's all said now and there's no turning back. You're embarrassed at how you've said it, cheeks turning red. And he's looking at you, bewildered expression on his face, eyes wide open.

And then he laughs. It starts off awkward before he's bringing his hand up to his mouth and he's also looking embarrassed. He's flustered.

"Shit," he laughs, "you just said exactly what I've been wanting to say."

It's safe to say that you're in an official romantic relationship now.

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