#8 "Take my seat." - pjm

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Jimin loves it when you play with his hair. The boy runs his own hand through his own hair a lot, but he loves it even more when someone else's hand is running through it. Especially when it's yours.

You're sitting in their dorm, cuddled up to Jimin on the living room couch and running your hands through his hair when Taehyung and Jungkook declare a movie night. You decide to help them prepare and Jimin whines when you pull away from him to make some popcorn in the kitchen.

Popcorn made, you walk back into the living room with Taehyung to find that all the seats in the room have been taken. You pout, noticing your lack of seat and Taehyung deciding to lie across Jungkook and Jin's legs (although they protest and push him off, which results in him deciding to lie on the floor instead.)

Jimin jumps up when he notices your pout, "Y/N, here."

"It's fine," you shrug, "I can just sit on your lap."

"Please," he says, already sitting you down to where he was sitting, "take my seat."

"Then where are you gonna sit?" you ask.

"On the floor in front of you," he smiles, sitting himself down in front of you. As Taehyung starts the movie, Jimin rests his head on your lap.

Ah. Now you know why.

Giggling softly to yourself, you start playing with Jimin's hair as you watch the movie with the rest of the boys.

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