#12 "Take my jacket, it's cold outside." - myg

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You're just about to start cooking dinner when you realise that you're a few ingredients too short. Sighing in frustration, you grab your phone and type up every ingredient you're missing in a memo pad. Once you're done, you grab your keys before making your way toward your room where your boyfriend is having a nap.

"Yoongi?" you call, opening the door and walking into the room. He stirs and slowly sits up, eyes tired.

"Yeah?" he replies in the sleepy voice that makes your heart skip a beat.

"I'm off to the supermarket to grab some stuff," you say, waving your keys sheepishly, "do you need anything?"

"Some snacks and fizzy, maybe?" he suggests. You nod your head and give him a smile.

"I'll see you in a few, then. Sorry for waking you," you say and start heading out but before you do, Yoongi calls your name.

He gestures his hand toward a piece of clothing that's hanging on your desk chair, "take my jacket, it's cold outside."

You could grab any jacket since you're in your house, but Yoongi knows you well. You either usually forget to wear one or don't bother to grab anything warm. Plus, you love his jacket. It's a little big just the way you like it and smells like him. It's also extremely comfortable as well as stylish.

And although he won't ever say it out loud, you know he loves seeing you in his clothes.

"How would you know?" you tease, while grabbing his jacket and putting it on, "you've been in bed since you got here."

"I got here two hours ago, and it was cold," he grumbles, "it'll be colder now."

You smile and walk up to him, giving him a kiss on the forehead, "thanks, Yoongi. You're sweet."

"I just don't need you sneezing on me," he huffs but you know what he really means. You giggle in response and kiss him on the nose this time. He tilts his head up a little and you know he's expecting one on the lips. So, you give it to him.

"I'll be back soon," you say.

"Don't take too long."

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