#70 "You're warm." - kth

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It's a lazy Sunday afternoon for you when Taehyung barges in to your house, declaring to hold an impromptu game night. Next thing you know, the rest of BTS and a couple of their girlfriends are in your house, playing a very loud and heated game of Catan.

So much for a lazy Sunday.

The boys are hilariously competitive, especially against each other. You're in pairs; you and Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin, Yoongi and his girlfriend, Jungkook and Namjoon, and Jimin and Jungkook's girlfriend (you had wondered why Jungkook didn't pair up with his girlfriend, but it turns out that they're extremely competitive against each other; they're that kind of couple.) And Catan is the perfect kind of game to get competitive, creating advantages for yourself and deviously planting disadvantages for others. Surprisingly, Team 2Seok are in the lead, but that's mainly because Team Namkook (mainly Jungkook) and Team Small are targeting each other constantly.

While Catan is one of your favourite board games, you're not really playing it the way you usually would. You'd say that it's the competitive nature of the group but that would be a lie; you're just as competitive as the rest of them. No, it's because your boyfriend, who has himself wrapped around you, is distracting you from the game. Even though he's the one who wanted the game night.

He's whispering corny jokes in your ear that has you giggling quietly under the flurry of playful insults thrown between Jungkook and Team Small. You've lost all concentration in the game, focusing more on Taehyung and only rolling the dice when it's your turn. You've given up on winning, anyway; Team 2Seok are so far ahead, the light at the end of the tunnel named Winning is looking so small.

It isn't long until Hoseok and Jin have won, and they're celebrating briefly before you're playing another game. This time, it's UNO and despite how simple the game is, you love UNO. You decide to pull away from Taehyung, so you don't have him looking over your shoulder at your cards. But he pulls you back down.

"Tae, I want to play UNO and I don't want you seeing my cards."

"It's fine, I won't be playing," he says, holding onto you as if you're going to disappear. You turn to him to give him a pointed look.

"You're the one who wanted to play games," you say accusingly, "what's the sudden change of mind?"

He shrugs, wrapping his arms around your waist, "you're warm."

He proceeds to rest his neck on your left shoulder once you turn away from him, blushing at his words. Jimin hands you seven UNO cards and then looks at Taehyung's body still wrapped around you before raising his eyebrows at you.

You decide to speak for your boyfriend, "he's not playing."

The game starts and crescendos to the usual competitive nature of the group very quickly. Despite saying he's not playing, Taehyung soon joins in, whispering to you about what cards to use and his hand caressing your arm every now and then. Soon enough, you're the third person finishing the game. The competitive couple are the last two in the game and you're laughing with Taehyung at their intense competitiveness.

In the end, you're happy that your lazy Sunday is spent having fun with your friends and boyfriend.

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