#50 "I think you're beautiful." - jhs

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You're a mess when Hoseok walks into your flat.

Figuratively and literally.

Clothes sprawled across your bedroom floor; some paired together like outfits, others thrown on your bed. Cosmetics on your desk; liquid lipsticks half open, eye shadow palettes wide open showing their variety of colours. You're fussing in front of the mirror after discovering a pimple on your forehead.

You get the biggest fright of your life when Hoseok calls your name. He's already here and you didn't notice, too busy with your tiny problem. And he's standing at the doorway of your bedroom, witnessing the mess.

"Are you okay?" he asks genuinely, taking a step toward you.

In all honesty, you're not okay. You're terrified. You've only been dating Hoseok for a good few weeks and he wants you to finally meet the rest of BTS. Of course, you know who they are and by the way Hoseok's been talking about them to you, they seem like pretty awesome people. In a third person point of view, there's nothing you should be terrified about. But first impressions always leave a mark. And you don't have a good history of first impressions.

"No," you groan, "nothing's going right."

He's by your side now, rubbing your back in soft, calming circles, "why?"

"Well, for starters, I can't find a good outfit, I don't know what colour lips or eyes to wear, and now there's this fucking pimple on my forehead."

Maybe you're overreacting. You are overreacting. You usually don't mind too much about how you look. If you just calm down and look at the situation in that third person point of view, you can put on your casual clothes and your usual make up.

But instead, you're freaking out about the tiniest things while Hoseok patiently calms you down.

"Hey, it's fine."

"It's not though," you sigh, "I'm a mess."

"Mess or not," he replies, "I think you're beautiful."

And it's those four words that build you up. You give him a small smile through your teary eyes, silently thanking him for his comforting presence. After giving him a kiss, you get yourself up, put on your casual clothes and usual make up. It doesn't take long and the two of you are finally driving to his shared dorm, holding hands.

"Thanks for the support, Hobi."

"I'll always be there for you, sweetheart."

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