#4 "Come here, let me fix it." - myg

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Nothing is going right. You're so close to giving up and throwing three years of education down the drain. You wonder if a degree really is worth it.

Your current low is stemmed from the fact that you have three assessments due in the next two weeks; one being a huge chunk of your degree and also the determining factor of whether you're fit for the field of work you're studying for or not. Your major assessment is laid out on the dining room table, an indication that you've gone over it many times over the last few hours. There are at least three packets of different flavoured biscuits laid out on the table next to the assessment, and now, at 11:30pm, you're anxiously freaking out over the smallest things.

One of those small things, your almost-midnight cup of hot cocoa, is not tasting right. You can't tell if there's too much hot water or milk or cocoa or sugar. Something's not right about your drink and while that's usually not a problem, your anxious brain is stressing the hell out.

However, this sight isn't unusual for Yoongi. You go through this low at least three times a year. So, when he walks into the kitchen to see you sobbing over a cup of hot cocoa, he knows exactly how to calm you down.

"Sorry," you sob, after Yoongi makes his presence known by rubbing your back, "the cocoa isn't right."

"I'm sure it's fine," he whispers, and you shake your head in response.

"It's not right, it doesn't taste right."

Yoongi sighs and takes the cocoa from you to give it a taste, "it shouldn't be too bad."

But when he takes a sip, he can't hide the slightly disgusted expression on his face. Realisation dawns upon him. You've accidentally added in salt instead of sugar.

"See? I was right," you cry, "I fuck up everything. How can I pass a degree when I can't even make a cup of hot cocoa?"

"You're just stressed, Y/N," he says, discarding the gross cocoa down the sink, "you've made good cocoa before."

"I just wanted a nice cup of cocoa."

"Come here," says Yoongi with a chuckle, pulling you into a hug, "let me fix it."

He makes the two of you another cup of hot cocoa each, making sure to add sugar instead of salt this time. You both then cuddle on the couch, hot cocoa in hands and revising your assessment together.

In these times of the year, you appreciate Yoongi being around. Although he makes an effort to be your emotional support, he calms you down by just being there.

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