#30 "One more chapter." - knj

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It's a lazy day for you and Namjoon. You're both chilling in your living room; he's sitting on the sofa reading a book and you're sitting on the floor, doodling on a piece of paper on the coffee table. There's a comfortable silence as the two of you continue to do nothing.

Scratch that; you're the only one doing nothing. Namjoon seems to be pretty into his book at this point.

You sigh, getting bored of just doodling and look up at your boyfriend. He's still really into his book. You know that he won't hear anything you say unless you nudge him away from the book. So that's what you do.

You move from the floor and slide in on the couch next to him, wrapping your arms around his torso and kissing his cheek to get his attention toward you. His eyes are still on the book.

"Babe," you whine, "let's do something together."

He hums, "like what?"

"Anything. Like preparing dinner or going for a walk. I'm bored."

"All right," he replies, eyes still on his book. You sigh.


"One more chapter."

You huff in response but proceed to cuddle into him and he subconsciously wraps his free arm around your shoulders, rubbing the shoulder furthest from him rhythmically. The silence is comfortable again and you know that you're going to fall asleep in this cuddle. And you do.

For Namjoon, one chapter turns into to finishing the whole book as you sleep, your bodies fitting together like a puzzle.

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