#71 "No reason." - knj

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You love being in the studio with Namjoon. It's one of your favourite things, sitting on a seat near him while he works on music. He looks so beautiful when he's working hard. And though it may sound weird, you enjoy watching him work. It's the little things like this, watching him contently while he works, that makes your relationship extra special to you.

The two of you usually don't find enough time for each other since you're busy with work and studies and he's busy with being part of one of the most famous boy groups ever. So, you're in his studio often, spending as much time as you possibly can with him, even if it's just being in the room with him. And Namjoon's always quite the gentleman, making sure that you're comfortable in his working space. He sometimes even asks for your creative input on his music.

There are times when he decides to take a small break from his work, and this leads to another one of your favourite things.

He stretches, resting back on his seat before gesturing for you to sit on his lap. You do so immediately and the two of you look into each other's eyes for a while before he breaks the eye contact by grabbing your chin and placing a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips.

You pull away after, "what was that for?"

"No reason," he smirks, "I just wanted to kiss you."

You smile, "you're too cute."

"And you're too beautiful."

His cheesy comment makes you blush and let out a shy giggle, and you hide your face in his shoulder. He chuckles at your sudden shyness before using his hand to tilt your head toward his face and kissing you again.

Kissing Namjoon is one of your favourite things, and as much as you love sitting near him and watching him work, the soft passionate kisses are on the top of your list.

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