#15 "I made your favourite." - ksj

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You get a call straight after you finish your shift at work. You don't even need to look at the caller ID. You have a ringtone set just for Jin.

"You called just in time."

"Pfft," your boyfriend answers, "I know exactly when you finish a closing shift. I've been waiting until you're done."

His words make your heart swoon and you find yourself smiling, "what's the occasion?"

"Come over."

"Why?" you ask, although you don't need to know why. You'll go over to his place anytime in a heartbeat.

"Just come over, Y/N."

So that's what you end up doing, and you're now in the dorm. You still haven't seen Jin yet; Namjoon has let you in the dorm instead of your boyfriend.

"Where's Jin?" you ask him as you take your shoes off.

"In the kitchen."

You don't need to ask him where the kitchen is; you've been in the dorm enough to feel at home there. The boys or any of their other common visitors don't even blink an eye at your sudden presence. It's normal for you to be there. You walk to the kitchen, saying a quick hi to anyone you walk past, and when you reach there, you see Jin cooking something.

Now, one of the many things you love about Jin is how he looks when he's cooking. There's something romantic and domestic about it that makes your heart race.

You clear your throat and he looks up, smiling when he sees your face. He puts an index finger up, giving you a small nod with it, before turning back to his food and taste testing the food he's making. A nod of approval. He then turns the heat off and turns to you.

"How are you?"

"I'm good," you say before gesturing your head toward the food he's just cooked, "what's that?"

He smiles, "I made your favourite."


"Why not?" he shrugs, smile still on your face, "I just wanted to make a nice dinner for my girlfriend."

Your heart swoons.

"Well then," you say, composing yourself, "what are we waiting for?"

"The food to cool down so we can eat it without burning our tongues."

You laugh, "that was a rhetorical question."

"Whatever," he smirks before walking up to you, wrapping his arms around you and giving you a soft kiss on the forehead.

Dinner that night is the best you've ever had. And you know, with Seokjin, that it's true when people say that it's company that makes food delicious.

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