#14 "Can I have this dance?" - myg

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The theme for this year's company ball is masquerade. In all honesty, you're delighted because you can take your boyfriend there as a plus one. But there's also a little... problem.

Your problem comes in the form of your co-worker; slicked-back hair, cocky, his top three buttons of his dress shirt always undone. The type who thinks he's slick. The type who thinks he can get any female he wants. The type who sends shivers down your spine. And unfortunately for you, he's had his eyes on you for quite some time now. Every day, he's throwing you winks and smirks, and during the last company function, he was constantly following you around despite your desperate attempts to get him out of your sight.

It's gone to the point where you're contemplating on not going to the company ball this year because of how uncomfortable he makes you feel. Sure, if Yoongi can come, it'd be great to have a nice night with your boyfriend and the staff from the company that you like. But Yoongi knows of the 'problem' very well. And you're not sure if you want to two to clash.

Despite your worries, you decide to go anyway, and you're lucky that Yoongi's night is free that he can accompany you. You're both wearing matching masks and you pray to the heavens above that you'll be masqueraded from your problematic co-worker, so your boyfriend will never have to meet him. Not to mention, you don't need any of the drama. You just want to enjoy the evening with Yoongi.

But, the comfortable start of the ball with Yoongi is only the calm before the storm and it isn't long before you're being approached by your problematic co-worker. Of course, it has to be during the time Yoongi's disappeared off to the bathroom. He gives you a flirtatious smile (which makes you gag internally,) and without a word, pulls you to the dance floor. Not wanting to cause a scene, you fake a smile and dance with the problematic lad.

When Yoongi returns from the bathroom, he furrows his eyebrows, confused, as he wonders where you've gone. You were at the buffet when he had left, and he wasn't even gone for long. He scans the area to see if he can find your dress and mask that's embroidered in his memory. And it isn't long until he sees your stiff posture dancing with a male that fits exactly the description of your previous rants and complaints about the 'problematic co-worker.'

Yoongi has never walked faster in his life.

Knowing how you feel about causing a scene, he softly taps the lad on the shoulder, smiling stiffly at the lad before focusing on you. Your shoulders relax in relief as your dance with your co-worker slows to a stop and look at Yoongi. He waits patiently until your co-worker has pulled away from you.

He offers you a hand, "can I have this dance?"

A genuine smile stretches across your face as you nod and accept his hand, starting a slow dance with him as your problematic co-worker walks off to find some other poor soul to bother. The two of you continue to dance without a word, the soft ballad of the song guiding your steps. You're not much of a dancer, but with Yoongi, you can dance the night away.

Of course, being in heels is torture, and after the ballad, you're already sitting down on a park bench outside with Yoongi to rest your feet. He doesn't leave your side, scanning the area every now and then and giving the occasional glare at the problematic co-worker every time he sees him.

"I'm surprised you still haven't punched him in the face," you laugh quietly at his antics, his hand gripping on yours when he sees the lad once again.

"Don't tempt me," he mutters bitterly. You giggle in response, lacing your fingers with his and using your other hand to turn his head toward you.

Your kiss under the willow tree in the garden that night is one you'll never forget.

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