#37 "Can I kiss you?" - jjk

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Having a boyfriend with an extremely busy schedule isn't exactly the easiest. Not that relationships in general are easy; every relationship has an obstacle. It's just that your obstacles are a lot harder to get over.

Long distance, for example.

In all honesty, you're overjoyed that BTS is getting the recognition they deserve. But popularity comes with more demand from them and they're constantly in different places for promoting and performing. Finding time with him is difficult, and sometimes, you find yourself questioning if your relationship is really worth it. However, Jungkook finds his way of showing you how much he loves you almost every day.

You're on the phone with him, chatting about his trip to the US for promotions and an award show. He's excitedly telling you stories about their adventures around the country and you're giggling at his storytelling, feeling extremely content at just hearing his voice. Jungkook's due to come back in a couple of days and you couldn't be happier. Hearing his voice over the phone like now is fine, but you can't wait to hold him, to kiss the living daylights out of him, to have his presence in the room. No phone call or video call is better than the real thing physically being there.

You've probably been on the phone for a good two or more hours when you decide that it may be best for the two of you to end your call.

"Anything else you need?" you ask him.

He hums in thought before replying, "can I kiss you?"

"You can't," you laugh, "you'll have to wait a couple more days for that, Jungkook."

"Are you sure about that?"

There's a knock on your door. Eyes widening, you walk to the front door of your flat. And when you open the door, lo and behold, there's Jungkook standing there with his phone to his ear.

"What-" Jungkook interrupts you by enveloping you into a hug.

"I've missed you," he whispers before giving you the kiss he asked for.

Your boyfriend has an extremely busy schedule. And while that may be difficult, he always finds a way to remind you that he loves you enough to fit you in that schedule every day.

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