#83 "Stay there. I'm coming to get you." - myg

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The time in the corner of the computer screen is the only thing your eyes are fixated on. Exactly fifteen seconds until you close the store. You're rushing toward the main entrance now, making sure you're closing the doors before any of the usual last-minute customers decide to stroll in.

The store now closed, you sigh in relief before speeding through your usual end of day chores. It takes longer than usual since your store's a pigsty but after an hour, you're finally locking the doors before heading home.

It's darker than you're used to since you've left later than normal and, in all honesty, you're not the best with the dark, especially when outdoors. You shiver, and you can't tell if it's because of the chilly night air or the fact that you're slightly terrified. It's probably both. All of a sudden, you feel a chill down your neck and you find yourself turning around. Maybe you're just paranoid in the environment you're not comfortable with, but you have that weird feeling in your gut telling you that someone's following you.

Hands shaking, the first thing you do is call Yoongi.

He answers almost immediately and the tone in his voice sounds like he already knows how you're feeling, "Y/N? Everything okay?"

"I," you sigh shakily, looking behind you over your shoulder cautiously before whispering, "I think someone's following me."

"Shit, where are you?"

You tell him your exact location and you know exactly what he's thinking of doing. You try to deter him from doing so and disturbing his time, "it's fine, maybe I'm just paranoid cause it's dark."

"I'd rather you feel safe with me than be paranoid," he replies, "stay there. I'm coming to get you."

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