#34 "That's okay, I bought two." - kth

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One thing you love about Taehyung is his unique taste for unusual things. It fits well with his personality and you find yourself admiring it more than often.

So, when he comes home from overseas wearing an interesting jacket, you can't help but appreciate and stare at it. He notices you admiring the piece of clothing almost immediately and gives you an amused grin.

"What are you looking at?" he asks, "you liking this beauty?" He pretends to flick his non-existent long hair for dramatic effect.

"Not you, silly," you giggle, playfully shoving him.

"What is it, then?"

You're suddenly shy and you're mumbling when you reply, "your jacket."

"Speak up, love. I can't hear you," he says, leaning in a little closer until your noses are almost touching.

"I really like your jacket."

Taehyung smiles, as if he was expecting your statement, and pulls back before taking off his jacket. He hands it to you, "you can have it."

Your eyes widen, and you shake your head, "I can't."

"Of course you can," he says, placing it over your shoulders, "here."

"But this jacket screams you. It's your exact style. I can't take this jacket knowing that it would suit you better," you protest. He laughs in response.

"That's okay," he says, "I bought two."

You blink. And then you're letting out a relieved sigh that's almost a laugh.

"So, are we gonna be that couple that wears weird and interesting matching jackets?" you ask.

"Of course," Taehyung scoffs as you laugh, "I bought them solely for that purpose."

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