#6 "Have a good day at work." - pjm

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These days, your cuddle sessions always seem to be interrupted. Whether it be a call on Jimin's phone or a reminder alarm from yours, the two of you are always having to remove yourselves from the comfortable cuddling.

For example, right now, your cuddling is being interrupted. Your reminder alarm is blaring some cheesy pop song and indicating that you have to leave for work soon. After turning off your alarm, you try to pull away from Jimin to get ready for work. But his grip on you is too strong.

"Jimin," you whine, "I have to go."

He whines back, burying his face into your chest "no."

You sigh and run your hands through his hair. The two of you haven't left your bed since waking up in the morning and it's now past noon. Not only do you have to go to work but you both also have to eat. So, you do the only thing you know will get the strong grip he has on you loosen.

You tickle him.

And like a young prepubescent girl near worms, he squirms away from your fingers almost immediately. You continue to tickle him until he's falling off your bed and you're laughing at his current predicament. He sits up from the floor and gives you a pout.

"That's not fair, Y/N," he whines, and you childishly stick your tongue out at him before getting up from your bed to get ready for work.

"You needed to get up too," you say, getting changed out of your pyjamas and into your work clothes, "we haven't eaten yet."

"I'll eat later," he replies lazily, "let me do nothing for a while longer."

You giggle, "well, you're gonna have to do nothing without me."

"Fine," he sighs, looking up at you and giving you one last pout at your ready-for-work figure, "have a good day at work."

You roll your eyes with a smile before going to him to give him a kiss. Jimin makes sure it lasts longer than a peck. And he's about to make the kiss deeper but another reminder alarm from your phone starts blaring, startling the two of you and causing the kiss to break.

"I guess I'll have to grab something quick to eat on the way," you laugh, before pecking him on the lips, "I'll see you later."

Jimin smiles and waves as you leave for work before lounging on your bed again, hugging one of your pillows that smells like you.

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