#19 "Can I hold your hand?" - jjk

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The beginning of most relationships always starts a little awkward, with the constant fear that you don't know anything about the significant other. In Jungkook's case, you can tell that he has no idea what to do and is afraid of acting on instinct, in fear of offending you or making you feel uncomfortable.

You find his obvious dilemma adorable.

It's been a mere couple of days since the two of you confessed your attraction toward each other and suggested starting a romantic relationship. Your relationship is truly at its first stages. You haven't even kissed yet, let alone held hands.

And here the two of you are, strolling down the streets of a small town, no sign of people other than the odd aunty and grandma gossiping about the younger generation. You had decided on a spontaneous drive, dragging Jungkook along to join in on your adventure. You've ended up in a small town, your car parked in the parking lot of the local park in the town and decided on enjoying a small stroll around the place.

And one again, you're seeing his obvious dilemma in your peripheral vision.

He'd look at you at random times, as if he's about to say something, before looking away again in a flustered mess, his doubts winning against instinct in his mind. You want to tell him that he has nothing to fear, that he can say anything. But, despite you knowing of his dilemma, your own doubts are also preventing you from showing him your honesty.

This goes on for a while, until the two of you end up looking at each other at the same time. Like two young characters in a shoujo manga, the both of you quickly react and break away eye contact at the speed of light. Finding this situation funny now, you let out a small, breathy laugh before turning to him.

"Something on your mind?" is the best way you can approach his dilemma and you're wondering why you didn't think of that sentence earlier. You could've skipped the act of acting like young teenagers a while ago. You swear you see Jungkook go redder than he already is, hand scratching the back of his head as he tries to figure out what to say. You can practically see the gears turning in his head.

"C-can I," he takes a deep breath in, and a rushed sigh out, "can I hold your hand?"

You're taken aback a little because that innocent sentence is something you didn't expect at all. And then, for a split moment, your heart swells at how adorable he is; you can totally get used to this cute, innocent nature. But then you let every feeling loose and it starts a giggle, before you're full-on laughing.

At your reaction, Jungkook looks embarrassed and you have to compose yourself to assure him that you're not laughing at him. Well, not in the way he's obviously thinking.

"Shit," you breathe out, "you're so fucking adorable."

His eyes widen a little, most likely because he doesn't know how to react. And then you reach out, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers. Your hands fit like a puzzle. You can't help the blush reaching your cheeks at how perfect your hand feels in his. His hands are warm, a little sweaty from nerves, but it's suddenly the most comforting thing ever.

The aunty and grandma are looking fondly at your intertwined hands, as the two of you continue your stroll through the small town.

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