#1 "Pull over. Let me drive for a while." - jhs

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Hoseok is calling your name while you hastily make your way toward your car. Tears are streaming down your face and you furiously yank the door open, throwing your bag in before sliding into the driver's seat. Hoseok just manages to jump in the passenger seat when you start the car. You start driving, you're not sure where toward through your frustration and tears, and you don't notice Hoseok in the car until he starts soothingly rubbing your shoulder. He whispers your name softly as you let out a sob.

"I'm sorry Hobi," you cry, "I can't help it. I can't help being a useless piece of shit."

"You're not a useless piece of shit," he says calmly, still rubbing your shoulder.

"That's not what everyone else believes," you snap, and you see him flinch in your peripheral vision, making you regret your life almost immediately, "fuck, I'm sorry. They're right. I don't deserve you because I'm always a nervous wreck and I don't even know how to treat you the way you should be treated."

"That's not true, Y/N. If anything, I don't deserve you."

"You're being ridiculous."

"I'm gonna throw those words back at you," he says, a determined tone now in his voice, "look, I don't give a shit about what others say about our relationship and I know you don't either. You're my girlfriend, not them. Sure, they'll say things that are hurtful but they're just words that we can ignore. And if it's hard to ignore, we have each other. We can talk to each other. You need to tell me how you're feeling so I'm not finding just finding out about it during a live video. I care about you, Y/N."

You're crying even more now but the reason for your tears are now completely different. Fat tears roll down your cheeks as you continue to drive.

"You're my priority," he says softly, before sighing, "pull over. Let me drive for a while."

You comply, pulling over where you can, tears still rolling down your cheeks as you continue to sob. The two of you sit there for a while, not changing seats yet and Hoseok goes back to soothingly rubbing your shoulders as you cry. He's right; you don't actually care too much about what others say. It's your stress and anxiety that's been piled up recently that made you freak out at the smallest things. If you can get through primary, secondary and tertiary education, a bunch of young people spouting stupid shit about your relationship that they know nothing about, is nothing but a breeze.

Soon enough, the two of you have swapped seats and Hoseok's driving now, holding your hand with his free one, caressing his thumb across your hand. He knows that going on random drives calms you down and he says nothing, the comfortable silence in the car added with his caring hand already calming.

You sleep soundly that night, cuddled with Hoseok in the back of your car, parked under the twinkling starry night sky.

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