#12 "Take my jacket, it's cold outside." - jjk

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You have a lunch date planned with Jungkook. It perfect, really, since you work just around the corner from the café that you've planned to meet, and he has free time at the exact same time as your lunch break.

As soon as your lunch break starts, you dart toward the café without even bothering to grab any of your belongings from the back room. You're excited to see him; you don't get to often.

He's already there when you get there, sitting in the back corner of the small, deserted café. You smile when you see him before making your way over to him.

"Hey," you say, sitting in front of him in the booth.

"Hi," he gives you his usual bunny smile, "I've already ordered for us."

"You sure you've got the right order?" you tease, giving him a smirk.

He rolls his eyes, "trust me. I know you."

And he does; because your favourite hot drink and café food is served in front of you five minutes later and the two of you enjoy your food and drink while flirting and chatting. You're upset when it's almost time to get back to your shift. Lunch break always goes by so fast and it's not fair.

Despite your protests Jungkook pays for everything and it's not long before the two of you are about to part your ways. You're about to leave the café, dreading to work the remaining three hours of your shift but Jungkook calls your name before you manage to reach the entrance and exit of the café.

"Take my jacket," he says, taking his jacket off, "it's cold outside."

You blush, "I'm fine."

But he still proceeds to put his jacket over your shoulders, giving you a smirk, "trust me. I know you."

And he does; because you forgot to bring your jacket to work that day.

Plus, it's nice to spend the remaining three hours of your shift in Jungkook's jacket that smells just like him.

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